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Displaying 136 - 150 of 265 results
EPA awards Fort Worth company $100,000 to remove oil and grease waste from sewer systems
Nationally EPA announced $2.5 million in funding to small businesses
EPA News Release: EPA awards Fort Worth company $100,000 to remove oil and grease waste from sewer systems
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Three Southern California Small Businesses Selected for EPA Funding to Develop Innovative Environmental Technologies
Awards part of $2.5 million provided by EPA’s Small Business Innovation Research Program nationwide
EPA News Release: Three Southern California Small Businesses Selected for EPA Funding to Develop Innovative Environmental Technologies
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EPA Announces $100,000 Small Business Innovation Research Award for Faraday Technology, Inc. in Englewood, Ohio
Nationwide, EPA Announces Nearly $2.5 Million in Funding to Small Businesses to Develop Environmental Technologies
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $100,000 Small Business Innovation Research Award for Faraday Technology, Inc. in Englewood, Ohio
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EPA Administrator Announces Agency Actions to Advance Environmental Justice
Administrator Regan Directs Agency to Take Steps to Better Serve Historically Marginalized Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Administrator Announces Agency Actions to Advance Environmental Justice
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New Bedford Seafood Processor Pays Penalty for Violating Chemical Accident Prevention Regulations
EPA News Release: New Bedford Seafood Processor Pays Penalty for Violating Chemical Accident Prevention Regulations
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EPA’s Floating Laboratory Lake Guardian Sails Again
EPA News Release: EPA’s Floating Laboratory Lake Guardian Sails Again
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EPA Announces Nearly $2.5 Million in Funding to Small Businesses to Develop Environmental Technologies
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Nearly $2.5 Million in Funding to Small Businesses to Develop Environmental Technologies
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EPA Announces $400,000 in Funding to Small Businesses in Alaska and Washington to Develop Innovative Environmental Technologies
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $400,000 in Funding to Small Businesses in Alaska and Washington to Develop Innovative Environmental Technologies
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$100,000 EPA Grant to Small Business in Syracuse, New York Helps Develop Innovative Environmental Technology
Part of a $2.6 Million National Announcement
EPA News Release: $100,000 EPA Grant to Small Business in Syracuse, New York Helps Develop Innovative Environmental Technology
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Bethel, Conn. Company Selected for EPA Small Business Funding to Develop Innovative Environmental Technology
Sonata Scientific LLC among 24 small businesses nationwide
EPA News Release: Bethel, Conn. Company Selected for EPA Small Business Funding to Develop Innovative Environmental Technology
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EPA Administrator Regan Hosts Water Infrastructure Roundtable with Local Water Utilities and Community Leaders
Educational dialogue underscores challenges and opportunities through water infrastructure
EPA News Release: EPA Administrator Regan Hosts Water Infrastructure Roundtable with Local Water Utilities and Community Leaders
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EPA Proposes Groundwater and Soil Cleanup for Superfund Site in York, Nebraska
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes Groundwater and Soil Cleanup for Superfund Site in York, Nebraska
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EPA proposes settlement with BNSF to resolve North Platte River oil spill in Wyoming
Clean Water Act violations associated with 2019 train derailment near Guernsey
EPA News Release: EPA proposes settlement with BNSF to resolve North Platte River oil spill in Wyoming
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EPA Recognizes Electronics Industry Leaders, including Three Southern California Companies, for Diverting 176,494 Tons of Products from Landfills
Industry Efforts Reduce Environmental Impacts Nationwide, Help Address Climate Change
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes Electronics Industry Leaders, including Three Southern California Companies, for Diverting 176,494 Tons of Products from Landfills
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U.S. EPA orders Nevada and California companies to stop selling illegal disinfectants
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA orders Nevada and California companies to stop selling illegal disinfectants
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