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Displaying 61 - 75 of 210 results
EPA Releases Updated Legal Guidance on Identifying, Addressing Cumulative Impacts to Advance Environmental Justice, Equity
EPA News Release: EPA Releases Updated Legal Guidance on Identifying, Addressing Cumulative Impacts to Advance Environmental Justice, Equity
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Администрация Байдена-Харрис объявляет о выделении 100 млн. долл. США согласно Закону «О снижении инфляции» для грантов экологической справедливости
Историческое финансирование грантов экологической справедливости будет поддерживать проекты в сообществах с высоким уровнем загрязнения и сообществах с недостаточным инвестированием.
Russian translation of EPA News Release: Администрация Байдена-Харрис объявляет о выделении 100 млн. долл. США согласно Закону «О снижении инфляции» для грантов экологической справедливости
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Announces Availability of $100 Million through Inflation Reduction Act for Environmental Justice Grants
Historic grant funding for environmental justice will support projects in communities overburdened by pollution and historic underinvestment
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Availability of $100 Million through Inflation Reduction Act for Environmental Justice Grants
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EPA proposes partial approval, disapproval of Alaska’s air plan for Fairbanks North Star Borough
EPA News Release: EPA proposes partial approval, disapproval of Alaska’s air plan for Fairbanks North Star Borough
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拜登-哈里斯政府宣布透過《降低通膨法案》提供 1 億美元作為環境正義補助金
Traditional Chinese translation of EPA News Release: 拜登-哈里斯政府宣布透過《降低通膨法案》提供 1 億美元作為環境正義補助金
- Release Date:
바이든-해리스 정부에서 환경정의 보조금에 대한 인플레이션 감소법을 통해 1억 달러 지원 발표
환경정의에 대한 이전 보조금 지원으로 오염 및 이전 투자 부족으로 인해 부담이 가중된 지역사회에서 프로젝트 지원
Korean translation of EPA News Release: 바이든-해리스 정부에서 환경정의 보조금에 대한 인플레이션 감소법을 통해 1억 달러 지원 발표
- Release Date:
拜登-哈里斯政府宣布通过《降低通货膨胀法案》提供 1 亿美元的环境正义拨款
Simplified Chinese translation of EPA News Release: 拜登-哈里斯政府宣布通过《降低通货膨胀法案》提供 1 亿美元的环境正义拨款
- Release Date:
La administración Biden-Harris anuncia la disponibilidad de $100 millones a través de la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación para subvenciones de justicia ambiental
Fondos de subvenciones históricas para la justicia ambiental apoyarán proyectos en comunidades sobrecargadas por la contaminación y la falta de inversión histórica
Comunicado de prensa de la EPA: La administración Biden-Harris anuncia la disponibilidad de $100 millones a través de la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación para subvenciones de justicia ambiental
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EPA Finds Kansas and Missouri Home Renovators in Default for Alleged Lead-Based Paint Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Finds Kansas and Missouri Home Renovators in Default for Alleged Lead-Based Paint Violations
- Release Date:
تعلن إدارة بايدن هاريس عن توافر 100 مليون دولار من خلال قانون تخفيض التضخم من أجل منح العدالة البيئية
سيدعم تمويل المنح الهام للعدالة البيئية المشاريع في المجتمعات المثقلة بالتلوث ونقص الاستثمار على مر التاريخ
Arabic translation of EPA News Release: تعلن إدارة بايدن هاريس عن توافر 100 مليون دولار من خلال قانون تخفيض التضخم من أجل منح العدالة البيئية
- Release Date:
Ipinahayag ng Biden-Harris Administration ang Handang Magagamit na $100 Milyon sa pamamagitan ng Inflation Reduction Act para sa Environmental Justice Grants
Ang makasaysayang pagpopondo para sa grant na nakalaan para sa environmental justice ay magbibigay suporta sa mga proyekto sa mga komunidad na nahihirapan sanhi ng polusyon at makasaysayang kakulangan sa pagpopondo.
Tagalog translation of EPA News Release: Ipinahayag ng Biden-Harris Administration ang Handang Magagamit na $100 Milyon sa pamamagitan ng Inflation Reduction Act para sa Environmental Justice Grants
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Chính quyền Biden-Harris thông báo cung cấp 100 triệu đô la thông qua Đạo luật giảm lạm phát cho các khoản tài trợ công lý môi trường
Tài trợ tài trợ lịch sử cho công lý môi trường sẽ hỗ trợ các dự án trong các cộng đồng bị quá tải bởi ô nhiễm và đầu tư dưới mức lịch sử
Vietnamese translation of EPA News Release: Chính quyền Biden-Harris thông báo cung cấp 100 triệu đô la thông qua Đạo luật giảm lạm phát cho các khoản tài trợ công lý môi trường
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EPA Region 7 Presents $500K Check to City of Springfield, Missouri, for Brownfields Job Training Grant
Selected grant will train environmental workers and expand the city’s Green for Greene job training program
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Presents $500K Check to City of Springfield, Missouri, for Brownfields Job Training Grant
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EPA and TC Oil Pipeline Operations Inc. Enter Into Agreement to Clean Up Oil Discharge From Pipeline Rupture Near Washington, Kansas
The pipeline rupture on Dec. 7 and oil discharge led to violations of the Clean Water Act
EPA News Release: EPA and TC Oil Pipeline Operations Inc. Enter Into Agreement to Clean Up Oil Discharge From Pipeline Rupture Near Washington, Kansas
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EPA provides research funds to Colorado Small Businesses to develop technologies for wastewater reuse and microplastic identification
Lafayette and Lakewood businesses among 25 awardees nationwide receiving awards to advance products that improve the environment
EPA News Release: EPA provides research funds to Colorado Small Businesses to develop technologies for wastewater reuse and microplastic identification
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