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Displaying 61 - 75 of 178 results
Public meeting scheduled to update community on a final design plan and a monitoring and maintenance plan for Upland Disposal Facility
EPA News Release: Public meeting scheduled to update community on a final design plan and a monitoring and maintenance plan for Upland Disposal Facility
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EPA $61 Million in Funding Will Put Clean School Buses on the Streets of New York City
EPA News Release: EPA $61 Million in Funding Will Put Clean School Buses on the Streets of New York City
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EPA Announces Most Energy-Efficient Manufacturing Plants of 2023
Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska manufacturing plants are among those recognized for their ENERGY STAR certifications
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Most Energy-Efficient Manufacturing Plants of 2023
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EPA Awards grants to Student Teams for Innovative Solutions to Environmental and Public Health Challenges in New York and New Jersey
EPA News Release: EPA Awards grants to Student Teams for Innovative Solutions to Environmental and Public Health Challenges in New York and New Jersey
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EPA Settles Chemical Accident Prevention Case in New Bedford
EPA News Release: EPA Settles Chemical Accident Prevention Case in New Bedford
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EPA announces most energy-efficient manufacturing plants of 2023
EPA News Release: EPA announces most energy-efficient manufacturing plants of 2023
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EPA awards $75,000 to Auburn University’s student team for innovative solutions to environmental public health challenges
EPA News Release: EPA awards $75,000 to Auburn University’s student team for innovative solutions to environmental public health challenges
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EPA awards $75,000 to Queens University of Charlotte student team for innovative solutions to environmental public health challenges
EPA News Release: EPA awards $75,000 to Queens University of Charlotte student team for innovative solutions to environmental public health challenges
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EPA announces final rule to slash toxic emissions of ethylene oxide and reduce cancer risk
EPA News Release: EPA announces final rule to slash toxic emissions of ethylene oxide and reduce cancer risk
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EPA awards nearly $75,000 to Mercer University’s student team for innovative solutions to environmental public health challenges
EPA News Release: EPA awards nearly $75,000 to Mercer University’s student team for innovative solutions to environmental public health challenges
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La EPA finaliza el plan de limpieza para el Lugar Superfondo Battery Recycling Company en Arecibo, Puerto Rico
EPA News Release: La EPA finaliza el plan de limpieza para el Lugar Superfondo Battery Recycling Company en Arecibo, Puerto Rico
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EPA awards $75,000 to University of Central Florida’s student team for innovative solutions to environmental public health challenges
EPA News Release: EPA awards $75,000 to University of Central Florida’s student team for innovative solutions to environmental public health challenges
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EPA awards $75,000 to the University of Tennessee student team for innovative solutions to environmental public health challenges
EPA News Release: EPA awards $75,000 to the University of Tennessee student team for innovative solutions to environmental public health challenges
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EPA Finalizes Cleanup Plan for The Battery Recycling Company Superfund Site in Arecibo, Puerto Rico
EPA News Release: EPA Finalizes Cleanup Plan for The Battery Recycling Company Superfund Site in Arecibo, Puerto Rico
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EPA awards nearly $1.2M to student teams for innovative solutions to environmental and public health challenges
EPA News Release: EPA awards nearly $1.2M to student teams for innovative solutions to environmental and public health challenges
- Release Date: