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Displaying 16 - 30 of 273 results
EPA announces nearly $4 million in grant funding to research cumulative health impacts of climate change in underserved communities in Alaska and Washington
Collaborative projects in Alaska and Washington will promote community-led science, knowledge-sharing to support environmental justice
EPA News Release: EPA announces nearly $4 million in grant funding to research cumulative health impacts of climate change in underserved communities in Alaska and Washington
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris administration announces $11.3 million to the District of Columbia for Water Infrastructure upgrades through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris administration announces $11.3 million to the District of Columbia for Water Infrastructure upgrades through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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EPA Announces Over $5 Million to California Organizations to Investigate Cumulative Health Impacts of Climate Change on Underserved Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Over $5 Million to California Organizations to Investigate Cumulative Health Impacts of Climate Change on Underserved Communities
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EPA Announces Upcoming Virtual Regional Listening Sessions on the PFAS Strategic Roadmap
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Upcoming Virtual Regional Listening Sessions on the PFAS Strategic Roadmap
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EPA Announces $1.35M in Research Grant Funding to Iowa State University
Researchers will investigate the impacts of water infrastructure stressors on Alaska Native Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $1.35M in Research Grant Funding to Iowa State University
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Biden-Harris administration announces $91.9 million to Pennsylvania for Water Infrastructure upgrades through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris administration announces $91.9 million to Pennsylvania for Water Infrastructure upgrades through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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Biden-Harris administration announces $56.1 million to Maryland for Water Infrastructure upgrades through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris administration announces $56.1 million to Maryland for Water Infrastructure upgrades through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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Biden-Harris administration announces $47.5 million to Virginia for Water Infrastructure upgrades through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris administration announces $47.5 million to Virginia for Water Infrastructure upgrades through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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EPA proposes deleting part of Aircraft Components, Inc. (D&L Sales) Superfund site in Benton Harbor, Michigan from NPL
EPA News Release: EPA proposes deleting part of Aircraft Components, Inc. (D&L Sales) Superfund site in Benton Harbor, Michigan from NPL
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EPA Announces $21M in Research Grant Funding to Investigate Cumulative Health Impacts of Climate Change on Underserved Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $21M in Research Grant Funding to Investigate Cumulative Health Impacts of Climate Change on Underserved Communities
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Biden-Harris administration announces $11.3 million to Delaware for Water Infrastructure upgrades through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris administration announces $11.3 million to Delaware for Water Infrastructure upgrades through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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Biden-Harris administration announces $36.2 million to West Virginia for Water Infrastructure upgrades through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris administration announces $36.2 million to West Virginia for Water Infrastructure upgrades through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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EPA Orders Union Pacific to Assess Contamination in Houston’s Greater Fifth Ward Neighborhood
EPA News Release: EPA Orders Union Pacific to Assess Contamination in Houston’s Greater Fifth Ward Neighborhood
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $11 Million for Nevada for Clean Water Infrastructure Upgrades Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $11 Million for Nevada for Clean Water Infrastructure Upgrades Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Almost $18 Million for Hawaii for Clean Water Infrastructure Upgrades Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Almost $18 Million for Hawaii for Clean Water Infrastructure Upgrades Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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