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Displaying 1741 - 1755 of 1780 results
EPA to Review Cleanups at Two Maine Superfund Sites this Year
EPA News Release: EPA to Review Cleanups at Two Maine Superfund Sites this Year
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EPA to Review Cleanups at Four Rhode Island Superfund Sites this Year
EPA News Release: EPA to Review Cleanups at Four Rhode Island Superfund Sites this Year
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La EPA llega a un acuerdo de 11 millones de dólares con la Compañía de Fomento Industrial de Puerto Rico
EPA News Release: La EPA llega a un acuerdo de 11 millones de dólares con la Compañía de Fomento Industrial de Puerto Rico
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EPA Seeks Input from Small Entities on Meat and Poultry Products Effluent Guidelines Rulemaking Revision
EPA News Release: EPA Seeks Input from Small Entities on Meat and Poultry Products Effluent Guidelines Rulemaking Revision
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $9.9 Million from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for Guam Schools
Historic investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law headed to all 50 states and territories in effort to transform America’s school bus fleet
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $9.9 Million from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for Guam Schools
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EPA Announces Appointments to Local Government Advisory Committee
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Appointments to Local Government Advisory Committee
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EPA Proposes Settlement to Protect Sacramento River Endangered Species
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes Settlement to Protect Sacramento River Endangered Species
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EPA Proposes Cleanup Plan for Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine Superfund Site in Lake County, Calif.
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes Cleanup Plan for Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine Superfund Site in Lake County, Calif.
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La EPA llevará a cabo reunión comunitaria sobre emisiones de óxido de etileno en Fajardo, Puerto Rico el 26 de enero
La reunión se centrará en informar a los residentes sobre los posibles riesgos a la salud de una planta esterilizadora cercana
EPA News Release: La EPA llevará a cabo reunión comunitaria sobre emisiones de óxido de etileno en Fajardo, Puerto Rico el 26 de enero
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EPA to Host January 24 Community Meeting for Villalba, Puerto Rico Residents Regarding Air Pollutant from Sterilizer Facility
Community meeting will focus on informing residents about potential health risks from a nearby sterilizer plant
EPA News Release: EPA to Host January 24 Community Meeting for Villalba, Puerto Rico Residents Regarding Air Pollutant from Sterilizer Facility
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La EPA llevará a cabo reunión comunitaria sobre emisiones de óxido de etileno en Villalba, Puerto Rico el 24 de enero
La reunión se centrará en informar a los residentes sobre los posibles riesgos a la salud de una planta esterilizadora cercana
EPA News Release: La EPA llevará a cabo reunión comunitaria sobre emisiones de óxido de etileno en Villalba, Puerto Rico el 24 de enero
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EPA to Host January 26 Community Meeting for Fajardo, Puerto Rico Residents Regarding Air Pollutant from Sterilizer Facility
Community meeting will focus on informing residents about potential health risks from a nearby sterilizer plant
EPA News Release: EPA to Host January 26 Community Meeting for Fajardo, Puerto Rico Residents Regarding Air Pollutant from Sterilizer Facility
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EPA Releases Updated Legal Guidance on Identifying, Addressing Cumulative Impacts to Advance Environmental Justice, Equity
EPA News Release: EPA Releases Updated Legal Guidance on Identifying, Addressing Cumulative Impacts to Advance Environmental Justice, Equity
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Администрация Байдена-Харрис объявляет о выделении 100 млн. долл. США согласно Закону «О снижении инфляции» для грантов экологической справедливости
Историческое финансирование грантов экологической справедливости будет поддерживать проекты в сообществах с высоким уровнем загрязнения и сообществах с недостаточным инвестированием.
Russian translation of EPA News Release: Администрация Байдена-Харрис объявляет о выделении 100 млн. долл. США согласно Закону «О снижении инфляции» для грантов экологической справедливости
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Availability of $100 Million through Inflation Reduction Act for Environmental Justice Grants
Historic grant funding for environmental justice will support projects in communities overburdened by pollution and historic underinvestment
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Availability of $100 Million through Inflation Reduction Act for Environmental Justice Grants
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