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Displaying 46 - 60 of 115 results
EPA Selects Camden, NJ and New York City Projects to Receive Recycling Education and Outreach Grants as Part of America Recycles Day
On America Recycles Day and Anniversary of President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, EPA announces grants funded in part by the largest recycling investment in 30 years
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Camden, NJ and New York City Projects to Receive Recycling Education and Outreach Grants as Part of America Recycles Day
- Release Date:
EPA Announces More than $2 Million for New Mexico Environmental Justice Projects As Part of Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America Agenda
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $2,039,453 to fund three New Mexico projects that advance environmental justice as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda.
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EPA Announces Over $3 Million in Grants Prioritizing Environmental Justice in Louisiana
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $3,149,999 million to fund five projects across Louisiana that advance environmental justice as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda.
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EPA Administrator Regan Announces Members of First-Ever National Environmental Youth Advisory Council
New members include youth from Missouri and Iowa, charged with advising EPA on impacts of climate change and environmental harm
EPA News Release: EPA Administrator Regan Announces Members of First-Ever National Environmental Youth Advisory Council
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Biden-Harris Administration to Invest $30 Million to Protect Tucson Residents from PFAS
President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda is delivering historic resources to upgrade drinking water infrastructure and better protect public health
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration to Invest $30 Million to Protect Tucson Residents from PFAS
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EPA Selects Two New York Indian Nations to Receive Solid Waste Grants as part of America Recycles Day
On America Recycles Day and Anniversary of President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, EPA announces grants funded in part by the largest recycling investment in 30 years
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Two New York Indian Nations to Receive Solid Waste Grants as part of America Recycles Day
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United States Brings Civil Enforcement Action for Significant Damage to 21 Acres of Wetlands in Ashland, VA
EPA News Release: United States Brings Civil Enforcement Action for Significant Damage to 21 Acres of Wetlands in Ashland, VA
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EPA Announces Over $800,000 in Funding Prioritizing Environmental Justice in Oklahoma
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $881,709 to fund two projects across Oklahoma that advance environmental justice as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda.
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Biden-Harris Administration to Invest $30 Million to Protect Tucson Residents from PFAS
President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda is delivering historic resources to upgrade drinking water infrastructure and better protect public health
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration to Invest $30 Million to Protect Tucson Residents from PFAS
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Hyde Park, Mass. resident selected to join EPA's first-ever National Environmental Youth Advisory Council
Marks the first time an EPA advisory committee features exclusively youth aged 16-29, charged with advising EPA on impacts of climate change and environmental harms
EPA News Release: Hyde Park, Mass. resident selected to join EPA's first-ever National Environmental Youth Advisory Council
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EPA Administrator Regan Announces Members of First-Ever National Environmental Youth Advisory Council
Marks the first time an EPA advisory committee features exclusively youth aged 16-29, charged with advising EPA on impacts of climate change and environmental harms
EPA News Release: EPA Administrator Regan Announces Members of First-Ever National Environmental Youth Advisory Council
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces More than $11 Million in EPA Region 5 for Tribal Recycling Infrastructure Projects and Recycling Education and Outreach Grants as Part of America
On America Recycles Day and Anniversary of President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, EPA announces grants funded in part by the largest recycling investment in 30 years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces More than $11 Million in EPA Region 5 for Tribal Recycling Infrastructure Projects and Recycling Education and Outreach Grants as Part of America
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Announces More than $4.9 Million in Recycling Education and Outreach Funding in EPA’s Mid-Atlantic region as Part of America Recycles Day
On America Recycles Day and Anniversary of President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, EPA announces grants funded in part by the largest recycling investment in 30 years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces More than $4.9 Million in Recycling Education and Outreach Funding in EPA’s Mid-Atlantic region as Part of America Recycles Day
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EPA Signs Agreement with the Philippines to Foster Collaboration on Climate Change and Environmental Issues
EPA News Release: EPA Signs Agreement with the Philippines to Foster Collaboration on Climate Change and Environmental Issues
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EPA Celebrates Two Years of Progress Under President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
The agency has awarded more than $16 billion for projects across America that are strengthening infrastructure, making communities more resilient to climate change, and protecting human health and the environment
EPA News Release: EPA Celebrates Two Years of Progress Under President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
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