WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Stronger standard for harmful soot pollution will save lives and significantly increase health protections for all communities
WASHINGTON — On Thursday, Feb. 8, EPA finalized a stronger air quality standard that will better protect America’s families, workers, and communities from the dangerous and costly health effects of fine particle pollution, also known as soot. The stronger annual health-based air quality standard for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) will help avoid up to 4,500 premature deaths and 290,000 lost workdays, and yield up to $46 billion in net health benefits in 2032. For every $1 spent from this action, there could be as much as $77 in human health benefits in 2032.
Leaders from across public health and environmental advocacy communities, along with federal and state government leaders, are praising the final standards. See what they are saying:
Public Health, Environmental Justice, and Faith Organizations
Dr. Doris Browne, President, National Medical Association: “Administrator Regan and President Biden deserve thanks for taking this vital step to curb soot pollution - a dangerous and even deadly pollutant that has taken an oversized toll on underrepresented and overburdened communities less equipped to deal with its severe health impacts, This new standard of 9 micrograms per cubic meter will save lives based on scientific evidence. That is the bottom line. And as a physician, an advocate for clean air, and the past president of the National Medical Association representing physicians, our ultimate goal is health equity.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Paul Billings, Senior Vice President for Public Policy, American Lung Association: “The new, stronger particle pollution standards will save lives. Despite what polluting industries are saying about the new air pollution standards, the sky will not fall and the world will not come to end. Don’t believe the cherry-picked data, misleading maps and false claims of economic calamity: they’re just not true.
“EPA estimates that in 2032, the nation will see 4,500 fewer premature deaths, 290,000 fewer lost workdays, 800,000 fewer cases of asthma symptoms and 2,000 fewer emergency department visits from the new standards. That’s not a calamity, the new standards are a lifesaver.
“The American Lung Association looks forward to working with states and EPA to implement these new standards to maximize air pollution reductions and public health protections while still allowing for economic growth – as always happens with implementing the Clean Air Act.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
The Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health: “The Consortium welcomes these strengthened standards and thanks President Biden and Administrator Regan for their efforts to reduce air pollution and safeguard our health. Soot is a dangerous and deadly pollutant produced by industrial manufacturing, car exhaust, and power plant emissions mostly from the burning of fossil fuels. It threatens our health and environment — affecting approximately 63 million Americans and posing particular risks to infants, children, pregnant individuals, seniors, communities of color, and people with chronic illness. As doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals, we see the effects of harmful air pollution in our clinics and hospitals. From children who live close to polluting industries and develop asthma to elderly individuals who are at greater risk for stroke and heart disease from air pollution–we advocate for cleaner air to best protect the health of our patients.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
American Public Health Association: “APHA is pleased that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced a critical final rule today that will update the annual national ambient air quality standard for particulate matter pollution from the current level of 12 micrograms per cubic meter to nine µg/m3. The updated annual standard would have significant public health benefits estimated at $46 billion by 2032. Once fully implemented, the updated standard would avoid an estimated 290,000 lost workdays, 800,000 asthma attacks, 2,000 emergency room visits and 4,500 premature deaths.
Particulate matter (PM) pollution has been known to cause breathing trouble, asthma attacks, COPD exacerbations, heart attacks, strokes, lung cancer and premature death. It can harm even the healthiest, but millions of individuals across the U.S. are at greater risk if they have respiratory disease or are one of the nearly 25 million Americans with asthma. Additionally, PM exposure disproportionately impacts the health of low-income and minority communities, who often live near polluting sources.
This critical move to strengthen this public health standard will better protect the health of the nation and help reduce the disproportionate impact PM pollution is having on the health of our most vulnerable communities.
The proposed lower annual standard for particulate matter will protect the health of millions of individuals in communities across the country. While EPA is to be commended for strengthening the annual standard, we believe it is a missed opportunity that the agency chose not to update the 24-hour standard to 25 µg/m3 as recommended by APHA and other health organizations, and we urge the agency to revisit this decision during its next review.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Nsedu Obot Witherspoon, MPH, Executive Director, Children’s Environmental Health Network: “Air pollutants contribute to the negative health and well-being of pregnant women and children. Children are known to be more vulnerable to the adverse health effects of air pollution due to their higher minute ventilation, immature immune system, involvement in vigorous activities, the longer periods of time they spend outdoors and the continuing development of their lungs during early childhood. These urgent times require decisive action, such as stronger soot pollution standards.”
Alison Lee, MD, chair of the ATS Environmental Health Policy Committee, American Thoracic Society: “A more protective annual standard will save lives, reduce asthma and COPD exacerbations and improve the quality of air for everyone. While I am disappointed that EPA did not go further to address the daily PM standard, today's action by EPA is important progress and will bring cleaner air to communities across the U.S." [Statement, Feb. 7]
Manish Bapna, President and CEO, Natural Resources Defense Council:1
“This will help save lives today and improve the health of generations to come. Soot puts tens of millions of Americans at risk, disproportionately harming low-income communities and people of color. It’s especially dangerous to children, the elderly and people coping with compromised health.
“The EPA is putting public health first by requiring polluters to cut soot from the air we all breathe.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Ben Jealous, Executive Director, Sierra Club: “We’re glad to see the Biden Administration answered the call to reduce harmful soot pollution. The decision to strengthen the annual particulate matter standards is more than just policy; it's about securing clean and safe air for our families and communities. It's about keeping kids in school, and protecting ourselves and our neighbors from the very real risks of asthma, heart attacks, and premature death.
“It’s shameful that, in the face of such clear and compelling evidence of the public health and economic benefits of stronger soot standards, big polluters and their allies in Washington do everything in their power to undermine these commonsense air pollution standards. Their resistance is a stark reminder that the fight for clean air and a healthier future is far from over, and we will continue working to ensure the benefits of these stronger air pollution standards reach the communities that need them most.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Patrice Simms, Vice President of Health Communities, Earth Justice: “Particulate matter pollution is deadly, especially for children and older Americans. The Biden Administration’s new air quality standards will save thousands of lives and help address unjust disparities in air quality for communities of color and low-income communities. We applaud EPA for issuing a rule that will help reduce heart disease, asthma, and other serious illnesses. We look forward to EPA’s implementation efforts, which must include robust enforcement and rigorous monitoring.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Amanda Leland, Executive Director, Environmental Defense Fund: “Particle pollution – or soot – harms lung development in children, is linked to diseases from bronchitis to cancer, and is responsible for more than 100,000 premature deaths every year. EPA’s action today to strengthen our national health-based standard for soot is a big step toward cleaner air and healthier lives for all Americans.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Margie Alt, Director, Climate Action Campaign: “I want to thank President Biden and EPA Administrator Regan for making good on their promise to finalize strong soot pollution standards that will save lives and slash air pollution for people across the country, especially those disproportionately impacted by deadly particle pollution.
“This standard will make meaningful progress toward meeting public health goals and addressing the administration’s environmental justice commitments. The EPA and President Biden set pollution limits that will literally save thousands of lives, especially in communities of color – 4,500 lives saved, 5,700 cases of new asthma avoided, and 290,000 fewer lost workdays. That’s $46 billion in net benefits for all of us.
“Of course there is more that must be done to fully protect public health and address pollution from the power sector and we look forward to seeing additional standards being finalized in the coming months. But for today we celebrate progress and thank President Biden and Administrator Regan and their teams for a good job well done.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Maite Arce, President and CEO, Hispanic Access Foundation: “We applaud the administration for taking action and strengthening its standards to reduce soot pollution and improve air quality. Soot is a dangerous and deadly pollutant produced by power plants, vehicle tailpipes, and other industrial sources, and it threatens our health and environment, posing particular risks for children, seniors, communities of color, and people with chronic illnesses, causing devastating health impacts including premature death, heart disease, aggravated asthma, decreased lung function, and difficulty breathing.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Dominique Browning, Director and Co-Founder, Moms Clean Air Force: “Particle pollution is a killer. In the United States alone, it cuts short the lives of well over 100,000 people per year—a staggering toll. Children’s bodies are uniquely vulnerable to the harms of soot pollution. We commend EPA for taking a significant step forward in strengthening the annual standard for particle pollution, also known as soot, to 9 micrograms per cubic meter from its current level at 12. EPA’s strengthened national health standard for particle pollution is the first improvement in over a decade; the previous administration chose to keep an inadequate level of protection. Soot is associated with increased infant mortality, hospital admissions for heart and lung diseases, cancer, and increased asthma severity. EPA’s finalized protection is an important step towards cleaner, healthier air for all children.
“EPA’s new protections also go a long way in strengthening the network of air monitors on which it relies. Its emphasis on greater guidance in the placement of those monitors in already highly burdened communities is a welcome move. Right now, people of color are consistently exposed to higher levels of particle pollution from sources like power plants, industrial facilities, and heavily-trafficked roads, and they are more than six times more likely to visit the emergency room for asthma-related issues. Black children are more than seven times more likely to die from asthma than white children.
“We urge EPA to prioritize protections against elevated daily exposures to particle pollution by ensuring that the implementation of these stronger national standards reduces daily pollution spikes. EPA must swiftly evaluate further strengthening the health standard for daily exposures. This is vital. We also call on EPA to ensure that the monitoring improvements are designed to reveal the sources responsible for high soot levels, and to accelerate the adoption of enforceable pollution limits.
“Taken together, all of the EPA protections under Administrator Regan’s tenure are offering much-needed and significant progress. EPA’s recent methane rule will protect people from the harmful volatile organic compounds and toxics released along with methane–and dramatically slash climate-heating methane emissions. Stronger pollution protections for vehicles and power plants are anticipated in the coming months. So much is at stake for our children, our communities, and our collective future. Members of Moms Clean Air Force will continue to demand that every one of these critical EPA protections gets across the finish line. We have absolutely no time to lose.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Lori Lodes, Executive Director, Climate Power: “President Biden is holding corporate polluters accountable for harming our health and fueling the climate crisis. His action will be especially impactful in communities of color and low-income areas that have paid the health and economic price of corporate greed for far too long. When Donald Trump was president, he filled the EPA with oil and coal lobbyists and weakened clean air standards. President Biden has spent three years cleaning up Trump’s mess, and America can’t afford another Trump term.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Matthew Davis, Vice President of Federal Policy, League of Conservation Voters: “We applaud the Biden-Harris administration’s new, tougher annual standard to cut deadly soot pollution and build a more clean and equitable energy future. For the second time in just two weeks, President Biden and his administration is delivering big for environmental justice, public health, climate, and science. Communities of color and low wealth communities too often experience disproportionate health impacts and environmental injustices due to exposure to soot pollution from Big Polluters and heavy traffic. While we still need to strengthen the daily standard for soot, cutting the annual standard by a quarter is a significant step forward. The administration must swiftly work with states and local air districts to implement these much improved standards.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Anastasia Gordon, Federal Policy Director, WE ACT for Environmental Justice: “While we commend the new soot pollution standard, we won’t stop fighting until we stamp out all forms of air pollution that make our communities sick and cut our lives short. Clean air is our right, and clean air is our fight.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
LaTricea D. Adams, Founder and CEO, Black Millennials for Flint:
“It’s a sigh of relief that EPA and the Biden-Harris Administration listened to our call to action to create the strongest standards on soot pollution in history. These new rules will work to better protect the wombs of Black, Latinx and Indigenous women, our first environments, leading to healthier births with automatic freedom and access to breathe clean air.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
John Graham, Senior Scientist, Clean Air Taskforce:
“Strengthening the PM2.5 annual standard from 12 µg/m3 to 9 µg/m3 will improve public health protection across the country and will make some progress in addressing disparities in health impacts among various populations. This standard is similar to the Canadian standard of 8.8 µg/m 3. However, we continue to believe that the available scientific knowledge — as indicated by the recommendation of a majority of EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee — supports a primary PM2.5 annual standard of 8 µg/m3 and a daily standard of 25 µg/m3 to protect public health from both typical and peak concentrations of PM2.5 and provide an adequate margin of safety.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Lisa Frank, Executive Director, Environment America:
“Air pollution used to be the price we had to pay to heat our homes, commute or produce goods by burning coal, oil and gas. Thankfully, in the rapidly accelerating renewable energy era, that’s no longer the case. These soot standards will save lives, clear our skies and alleviate the burden of asthma and other illnesses. That’s something all Americans should celebrate.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Yadira Sánchez, Executive Director of Poder Latinx:
“Soot has been detrimental to the respiratory health of Latinx families, and it is a silent assailant that is not talked about enough. No one should get sick from the place they call home, but unfortunately, this has become a reality for many members of our community. We celebrate the EPA’s drive for tighter rules towards improving air quality standards so all minority and underrepresented families can rest easily, knowing their health is not at risk when they leave their homes. We need, however, to strengthen policies around better air and environmental protections so no one in America has to pay the hefty price of risking their health at the expense of high polluters who disregard human life and our natural resources.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Rev. Dr. Jessica Moerman, President & CEO, Evangelical Environmental Network:
“Every child deserves to reach their full God-given potential. However, before they even draw their own first breath, soot pollution can rob children of a bright future, saddling them with asthma, reduced IQ, and complications from pre-term birth. Therefore, it is no understatement to call today’s announcement truly life-changing. The strengthened soot standard will ensure more Americans can experience a more “abundant life” (John 10:10), saving thousands of lives, improving the quality of life for hundreds of thousands more, and saving billions in avoided health costs.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Trevor Higgins, Senior Vice President, Center for American Progress:
“The EPA has just taken a huge step forward in keeping more soot out of the air. This will improve public health and save lives, especially in front-line communities most harmed by pollution from fossil fuels. The Biden administration’s clean energy and transportation investments have made it possible for states and counties to deliver on these new standards, which are now stronger than ever.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Rev. Susan Hendershot, President, Interfaith Power & Light:
“EPA’s updated soot protections are a step forward in helping protect our communities from deadly air pollution. With this rule, we have a moral opportunity to advance environmental justice, ensure that our neighbors have clean air to breathe, and care for those most vulnerable to these pollutants. No one should be forced to live in a community where it is hazardous to simply breathe the air.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Adrienne Hollis, Vice President of Environmental Justice, Public Health, And Community Revitalization, The National Wildlife Federation:
“Particulate pollution is one of the most serious and preventable threats to people and wildlife alike. This rule is a much-needed step by the Biden Administration in order to address the public health and environmental threats posing some of the most serious challenges for frontline and fenceline communities. The president and the Environmental Protection Agency need to build upon this important progress by further strengthening these and other safeguards in order to protect our air, public health, and environment.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Irene Burga, Director of the Climate Justice and Clean Air Program, GreenLatinos:
“Today, we celebrate a significant victory in our ongoing efforts to improve air quality and protect public health, especially within the Latine community. The implementation of these final EPA standards on soot promises tangible improvements in the well-being of our communities, particularly among those most vulnerable. However, we acknowledge that there is still more work ahead. Nationwide, Latine children disproportionately bear the burden of asthma, a condition exacerbated by exposure to PM2.5. Despite our collective strides, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to environmental justice. While we did not achieve the more ambitious standard of 8 μg/m3 that environmental justice organizations advocated for, this standard represents a crucial step forward. We look forward to continued collaboration with the EPA and the Biden Administration to ensure robust enforcement of the annual standard, as we remain dedicated to advancing proposals for the 24-hour standard.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Charles Harper, Senior Power Sector Policy Lead, Evergreen Action: “The Biden administration’s announcement today takes a critical step toward cutting air pollution that puts hundreds of thousands of Americans at risk and protecting frontline communities who are exposed to disproportionate levels of deadly soot pollution. By strengthening the national soot standard, EPA is tightening its grip on dangerous air pollution and will prevent 4,500 deaths per year—and hundreds of thousands of other medically related events.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Zachary Barber, Advocate, PennEnvironment Research & Policy Center: “Clean air is a right, not a privilege—and today’s announcement by Biden’s EPA makes a critical step toward delivering cleaner air for millions of Americans. Taking soot pollution out of our air will save lives and help kids with asthma breathe more easily, especially in places like Pennsylvania that regularly suffer from elevated soot levels.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Andre Delattre, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Programs, U.S. PIRG Education Fund: “For too many Americans, the very air we breathe can make us sick. This is a problem we can choose to solve. This announcement is a welcome step toward a healthier future. We thank President Biden and the EPA for heeding the science and public calls for cleaner air and finalizing strong limits on soot.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Jennifer Hadayia, Executive Director, President and CEO, Air Alliance Houston: “We here at Air Alliance Houston applaud and celebrate this change. Houstonians have been forced to breathe harmful soot pollution for too long from too many sources, such as the sprawling oil and petrochemical complexes, rock crushers like the one proposed across from LBJ standard will finally force a hard look at local measures to Hospital and from freeway expansions like the proposed new Hardy Highway. This new protect our health. I have no doubt that this change will improve health and save lives.” [Statement, Feb. 7]
Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE) @SenatorCarper
Here's the simple truth — air pollution is bad for our health, bad for our economy, and bad for our planet. I applaud @EPA for following sound science to protect Americans from harmful soot pollution.
EPW Majority @EPWCmte
This is a BIG deal. EPA’s strengthened rule will protect more Americans from soot pollution — one of the most harmful air pollutants to human health.
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) @SenWhitehouse
The health harms of soot pollution are real, and fall most heavily on children, the elderly, people of color, poor communities, and folks with pre-existing conditions. Glad to see @EPA strengthen this standard today.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) @gillibrandny
Thank you @POTUS and @EPA for taking steps to clean up our air and protect public health. I pushed @EPA for this strengthened soot standard and am glad to see it finalized — it could prevent 4,500 premature deaths, especially in communities of color.
Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) @SenMarkey
For far too long, communities of color in the U.S. have experienced disproportionate levels of soot pollution—harming their health. Today's new, strong standard on soot from @EPA is a step toward addressing this environmental injustice and keeping people safe.
Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) @ChrisVanHollen
This move by @POTUS will help clean up our air and protect the most vulnerable in our communities. The Biden Administration has worked relentlessly to tackle dangerous pollution in our air, water, and more, and generations of Americans will feel the benefits.
Rep. Frank Pallone @FrankPallone
Even short-term exposure to fine particulate matter pollution can cause asthma attacks, acute bronchitis, and more. This pollution is dangerous, and Americans have a right to clean, safe air. I applaud @EPA for protecting that right with a stronger, health-based standard.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal @RepJayapal
Thank you, @POTUS and @EPAMichaelRegan — this is a major step that will reduce air pollution and save thousands of lives!
Energy & Commerce Democrats @EnergyCommerce
NEW: Ranking Member @FrankPallone applauds @EPA's action to strengthen air quality standards. Americans have a right to clean, safe air and this fine particulate pollution poses serious health risks to communities every day.
Progressive Caucus @USProgressives
More exciting progress from the @EPA! They've strengthened the Clean Air Act to protect us against soot, one of the most dangerous forms of air pollution. This rule will be life-saving for the elderly, poor communities, people of color, and those with pre-existing conditions.
Rep. Nanette D. Barragán @RepBarragan
Great News!! @EPA is strengthening air quality standards for fine #ParticlePoluution, one of the most widespread and health-threatening air pollutants affecting the health of communities across the country.
Rep. Jerry Nadler @RepJerryNadler
I’m grateful that President Biden’s @EPA is following science by strengthening air quality standards for fine #ParticlePollution, one of the most widespread and health-threatening air pollutants affecting the health of communities worldwide.
Rep. Sean Casten @RepCasten
The benefits of stronger soot pollution standards can’t be denied. For every $1 in costs there could be $77 in health benefits, and in 2032 we’ll see up to:
- 4,500 premature deaths prevented
- 2,000 avoided E.R. visits
- 800,000 avoided asthma symptoms
Rep. Kathy Castor @USRepKCastor
Breathe in the good news, we have more #SolutionsForPollution! With the Inflation Reduction Act, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law & the @EPA's updated air quality standards, we are improving public health for our neighbors and eliminating dirty, planet-warming pollution.
Rep. Shri Thanedar @RepShriThanedar
For far too long, communities of color in the U.S. have experienced disproportionate levels of soot pollution. Today’s new standard on soot from @POTUS and the @EPA is a step in the right direction to address this environmental injustice. #ActOnSoot
Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi @CongressmanRaja
This new rule from the @EPA could prevent 4,500 premature deaths over the next decade.
Rep. Diana DeGette @RepDianaDeGette
The @EPA & @POTUS' work to tighten limits on fine industrial particles is a major step forward in combating deadly air pollution & a huge win for public health. This effort will not only save lives & lower health costs but pave the way for a healthier future for all Americans.
Rep. David Trone @RepDavidTrone
Soot pollution is one of the most dangerous forms of air pollution and is linked to serious and even deadly illnesses. I applaud @EPA for updating the air quality standard for these pollutants. In Congress, I will always fight for a climate our kids can grow up and grow old in.
Rep. Glenn Ivey @RepGlennlvey
The Biden admin's new soot standard is a big step forward for environmental justice, healthy communities, & science. I applaud the @EPAfor enacting a stronger standard to clean up our air and prevent hazardous soot exposure for communities already overburdened by Big Polluters.
Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester @RepLBR
NEWS: @EPA is strengthening air quality standards for fine #ParticlePollution, one of the most widespread & health-threatening air pollutants.
I'm proud to have led the fight w/ @RepBarragan & @SenMarkey in calling for this action so our communities have cleaner air to breathe.
Rep. John Sarbanes @RepSarbanes
#Soot pollution is one of the most harmful forms of air pollution and is linked to severe illnesses. Pleased to see @EPA finalize a stronger #AirQuality standard that will result in cleaner air for everyone, especially those in communities historically overburdened by pollution.
Rep. Betty McCollum @BettyMcCollum04
Huge environmental news today: @EPA’s announcement on strengthened soot standards will translate into a life-saving reduction in pollution, preventing 4,500 premature deaths and 800,000 asthma symptom cases annually.
Rep. Jennifer McClellan @RepMcClellan
The @EPA’s new soot pollution standard is estimated to prevent 4,200 lives and 270,000 lost workdays a year, and deliver $46 billion in health benefits in 2032! Watch my floor remarks commending the EPA for its actions here.
Rep. Chuy García @RepChuyGarcia
Little Village in my district ranks in the 98th percentile in the US for air pollution that causes cancer and respiratory disease. Trucks that emit massive amounts of exhaust crisscross my district. Stronger @EPA soot standards will save lives in the communities I represent.
Rep. Lucy McBath @RepLucyMcBath
In Georgia, we know all too well the damage and health problems that soot pollution can cause. I'm pleased to see the @EPA and @POTUS announce increased standards we called for to protect families in our state and around the country.
Rep. Hank Johnson @RepHankJohnson
I applaud the @EPAMichaelRegan & @POTUS for enacting a tough soot standard that will provide cleaner, safer air for all. #SolutionsForPollution like this one protect the health of our communities, reduce ER visits due to soot, and help everyone breathe easier.
Rep. Darren Soto @RepDarrenSoto
The @EPA has finalized new limits on soot pollution, which threatens American lives every year. The Biden Administration continues on implementing life-saving measures to protect families and ensure cleaner air quality.
Rep. Delia Ramirez @repdeliaramirez
For far too long, low-income families and communities of color have been short-changed as it relates to climate protection efforts. That must change! Today's new clean air standard addressing soot from the @EPA is a step in the right direction to right current and historical environmental injustices.
Rep. Brad Schneider @RepSchneider
Last year, I called on the EPA to combat soot pollution. Today, I commend @EPA for strengthening key #AirQuality standards for fine particle pollution. This means cleaner air for families in communities like Waukegan that have historically shouldered the burden of air pollution.
Rep. Dina Titus @repdinatitus
Last year I urged @EPA to follow sound science to strengthen the standards for annual and short-term particle pollution. Strong air quality improves long-term health for all Nevadans and fosters stronger economies, better landscapes, and greater learning.
Rep. Mike Quigley @RepMikeQuigley
All Americans deserve to breathe CLEAN air
As Co-Chair of @SEEC, I'm proud to see the EPA finalizing new standards that will protect our most vulnerable communities from harmful pollution.
Natural Resources Democrats @NRDems
@EPA's latest soot standards will:
- prevent up to 4,500 premature deaths every year,
- avert 800,000 cases of asthma symptoms annually &
- slash over 290,000 lost workdays.
@POTUS is working to provide cleaner, safer air for all.
Governor Jay Inslee @GovInslee
Great leadership by the @EPA to better protect our health from harmful air pollution. The newly adopted federal standard for fine particle pollution will work in tandem with Washington's actions under the Climate Commitment Act to better protect our most vulnerable communities.
California Attorney General Rob Bonta
“Today’s announcement is a major victory for environmental justice,” said Attorney General Bonta. “Across California and beyond, too many people suffer from the high levels of particulate matter pollution in their neighborhoods. The Biden Administration, simply by recognizing that fact, has taken a key step that will support states in their efforts to clean up their air and protect the public, especially overburdened communities.”
Bay Area Air Quality District @AirDistrict
The Air District supports the more stringent health standard for particulate matter pollution adopted today by the @EPA. The annual air quality standard for particulate matter has been tightened from 12 micrograms per cubic meter of air to a more health protective level of 9.
Basil Seggos, Commissioner of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation @BasilSeggos
I applaud @EPA@EPAMichaelRegan for finalizing strong, national standards to reduce soot. This will build upon the progress made in improving air quality throughout New York State & the U.S., especially for our most at-risk populations. @NYSDEC
Kate Johnson, Head of US Federal Affairs, C40 Cities: “Today’s EPA rule will cut pollution and protect the health of millions of Americans, including city residents that have been disproportionately impacted by pollution. For years, cities have led the way in reducing air pollution by electrifying cars and buses, promoting walking and transit, and tackling industrial sources of emissions in urban areas. But cities alone cannot address all the sources of dangerous soot pollution. The EPA’s new soot pollution standards will improve life for urban residents, from preventing sickness and death to increasing economic productivity. C40 Cities thanks President Biden and EPA Administrator Regan for ensuring all Americans can breathe cleaner air.”
1An earlier version of this release incorrectly referred to Natural Resources Defense Council as "National Resources Defense Council."