Will EPA be testing water from an underground stream that flows beneath some homes in the Norwood area?
EPA will not be conducting additional sub-surface sampling at this time based on the results presented at the December 2021 meeting. Results of the groundwater sampling EPA performed in and around the Winona Homes neighborhood did not reveal volatile organic compounds in groundwater that could potentially cause a vapor intrusion condition. EPA is aware, through historic aerial images and topographic maps, where there is a likelihood that a surface stream may have existed prior to the construction of Winona Homes. Some properties selected for deep soil samples were located near where this potential historic stream or drainage ditch might have existed in order to collect samples from areas with the highest potential placement of fill soil. Additionally, groundwater was also collected from a location close to where this stream may have existed. The results of the groundwater sampling and deep soil sampling in the areas indicated did not reveal substances at levels that could pose a risk to human health.