P2 Regional Contacts
The P2 staff below are a valuable resource for stakeholders and can provide support on P2 Grant Programs, questions about grant applications and finding technical assistance or resources for businesses.
EPA Region 1: CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT
Lee Fiske
U.S. EPA Region 1
5 Post Office Square, Suite 100 (OES04-1)
Boston, MA 02109-3912
Phone: 617-918-1847
Email: [email protected]
EPA Region 2: NJ, NY, PR, VI
Alex Peck
U.S. EPA Region 2
290 Broadway, 25th Floor (PSPMMB)
New York, NY 10007-1866
Phone: 212-637-3758
Email address: [email protected]
EPA Region 3: DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV
Prentiss Ward
U.S. EPA Region 3
Four Penn Center (3LD52)
1600 John F. Kennedy Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2825
Phone: 215-814-2813
Email: [email protected]
EPA Region 4: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
Margaret Reynolds
U.S. EPA Region 4
61 Forsyth Street SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 706-355-8637
Email: [email protected]
EPA Region 5: IL, IN, OH, MI, MN, WI
Christine Clark
U.S. EPA Region 5
77 West Jackson Boulevard (LM-8J)
Chicago, IL 60604-3590
Phone: 312-886-9749
Email: [email protected]
EPA Region 6: AR, LA, NM, OK, TX
Stephanie Cheaney
U.S. EPA Region 6
1201 Elm Street, Suite 500
Dallas, TX 75270
Phone: 214-665-8057
Email: [email protected]
EPA Region 7: IA, KS, MO, NE
Kate Larberg
U.S. EPA Region 7
11201 Renner Blvd
Lenexa, KS 66219
Phone: 913-551-7964
Email: [email protected]
EPA Region 8: CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY
Melissa Payan
U.S. EPA Region 8
1595 Wynkoop Street (8P-P3T)
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 303-312-6511
Email: [email protected]
EPA Region 9: AZ, CA, HI, NV, AS, GU
Jessica Counts-Arnold
U.S. EPA Region 9
75 Hawthorne Street (WST-7)
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: 415-972-3288
Email: [email protected]
EPA Region 10: AK, ID, OR, WA
Theresa Blaine
U.S. EPA Region 10
1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 155 (AWT-150)
Seattle, WA 98101
Phone: 206-553-6235
Email: [email protected]