EPA Perspectives
Read commentary-style articles authored by EPA employees, senior leaders, and staff that share insights on environmental topics, EPA research, impacts in communities from EPA initiatives and funding, and more!
Recent Articles
Supporting the Cancer Moonshot Effort at EPA
I learned that one of the best ways to fight cancer is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. EPA supports the Cancer Moonshot effort by understanding and preventing toxic and environmental exposures and preventing more cancers before they start.
- Date:
- By: Danelle Lobdell
Acting Upstream for Creek and Community
A common threat to streams is runoff from heavy rains that cause floods, wearing away at riverbanks. Across the country, the Green Infrastructure program works with communities to address the effects of stormwater runoff through a variety of programs.
- Date:
- By: Jake Krauss
Fifty Years Later
I viscerally remember what it felt like to walk through the dark entrance halls, turn a corner and then stop before the spectacular Giant Ocean Tank. I was able to connect these visits, 50 years apart, in my head and heart, in ways I never had before.
- Date:
- By: David Cash
From Peace Corps to EPA
Meet some returned Peace Corps Volunteers who now work at EPA.
- Date:
- By: Clayton Batko