Scientific Advisory Panel Report for Glyphosate Available
For Release: March 17, 2017
The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) met December 13-16, 2016, to consider a set of scientific issues being evaluated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding EPA's evaluation of the carcinogenic potential of the herbicide glyphosate. The meeting minutes and final report from the meeting are now available.
The minutes and final report can be found on the FIFRA SAP web site ( and in the OPP Docket # EPA-HQ-OPP-2016-0385 ( EPA will review this document as well as other comments before making a final determination regarding the potential carcinogenicity of glyphosate.
EPA is currently scheduled to publish the draft glyphosate human health and ecological risk assessments for public comment in 2017. Glyphosate is undergoing registration review, EPA's periodic review of pesticide registrations required under the law to ensure that each pesticide continues to satisfy the statutory safety standard for registration.