Ports Primer: Introduction
Welcome! This Ports Primer for Communities has been developed as part of the EPA Ports Initiative to support nearport communities in improving their local quality of life. This Ports Primer is intended to help community members participate effectively in the decision-making process by increasing local understanding of:
- The role of ports,
- How ports can impact local land use, economic trends, air quality, and other aspects of the environment and quality of life, and
- Tools and resources that have been helpful in other communities.
This document provides a general overview that can be used as a springboard for further exploration and learning. Links to additional resources have been provided throughout the document for more information. We also encourage you to reach out to us to explore further opportunities for engagement with EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality and Regional Offices. Contact information is provided at the end of the Ports Primer.
Sarah Dunham, Director
Office of Transportation and Air Quality