Automated Email Milestone Tracking for PRIA Actions
In response to statutory requirements in PRIA 3 that EPA enhance electronic tracking of pesticide registration decisions, EPA deployed the PRIA Pesticide Registration Milestone Tracking Email software in December 2013. This system informs registrant contacts when any of their PRIA submissions reach each of seven defined tracking milestones. More recently, PRIA 5 required EPA to establish an information technology (IT) system that provides real-time, accurate, tracking information for all regulatory submissions to the Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP).
The following are updated milestones reflecting the full migration of the pesticide registration workload into the new IT system based on the Salesforce platform. These milestones replace automated milestones generated from EPA’s legacy OPPIN tracking system, are more closely aligned with workflow stages than the previous milestones and serve as an intermediate step as EPA further develops its IT system to allow external facing visibility for applicants into the status of EPA review of their applications.
An initial communication to an applicant regarding their pesticide application comes from the Pesticide Submission Portal (PSP) in EPA’s Central Data Exchange, and notifies the applicant that their application has been successfully transmitted from the portal to OPP. This notification precedes and is separate from the seven milestones generated from within OPP, which are:
- Application receipt date; receipt number assigned.
- Payment completed (waiver review completed, if applicable); PRIA category(ies) and PRIA start and due dates provided (including pre-decisional determination due date, if applicable); product manager contact information provided.
- Risk manager contact information provided; technical screen task initiated.
- 45/90-day technical screen completed; full science review begins.
- Science review completed.
- Pre-decisional determination date reached (if applicable); public participation process initiated (if applicable).
- Regulatory decision completed.