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- New York Total results: 6
- Oklahoma Total results: 2
- Pueblo of Sandia Total results: 1
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Displaying 1 - 9 of 9 results
Texas and Oklahoma Regional Haze: SIP Disapproval and Revision of the Regional Haze Federal Implementation Plan to Address Reasonable Progress Requirements of the First Planning Period
EPA proposed a rule to address Clean Air Act requirements to protect visibility in national parks and wilderness areas. EPA is proposing to disapprove portions of Texas’s and Oklahoma’s SIPs and amend the their Regional Haze Reasonable Progress FIPs.
- Geographic Locations: South Central, Texas, Oklahoma
2023-12 Mente CWA_02_2023-3601
EPA is providing notice of a proposed Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) for alleged violations of the Clean Water Act at the property of Mr. Robert Mente near Cayuta, NY. EPA is also providing notice of the opportunity to comment on the proposed penalt
- Geographic Locations: New York
PN 2022-04 - Forest Edge Development, LLC
- Geographic Locations: New York
2022-06: Carmine Istvan
EPA is providing notice of a proposed administrative penalty assessment for alleged violations of the Clean Water Act for Cargill Feed and Nutrition, Batavia NY, EPA is also providing notice of the opportunity to comment on the proposed penalty assessment
- Geographic Locations: New York
PN 2022-5Oldcastle APG Northeast, Inc.
EPA is providing notice of a proposed administrative penalty assessment for alleged violations of the Clean Water Act for Oldcastle_Fishers EPA is also providing notice of the opportunity to comment on the proposed penalty assessment.
- Geographic Locations: New York
2022-08 Forest Estates 28, LLC
- Geographic Locations: New York
Decision to Issue Federal Synthetic Minor New Source Review Permit R6NSR-NM-001-M1 to Sandia Resort and Casino
The EPA has issued permit number R6NSR-NM-001-M1 for the Sandia Resort and Casino Facility located within the boundaries of Pueblo of Sandia sovereign lands at 30 Rainbow Road NE, Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, New Mexico.
- Geographic Locations: New Mexico
Proposed Administrative Order issued to Parsage Oil Company, L.L.C. for Clean Water Act Violations
EPA is providing notice of this CAFO proposing the assessment of a civil penalty. EPA will consider all comments received in determining its final action.
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: Oklahoma
PN 08-2025 Whitting Funeral Home
EPA is providing notice of a proposed Administrative Order on Consent to address violation of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Underground Injection Control regulations. EPA is also providing notice of opportunity to comment on the proposed Administrativ
- Comments Due Date:
- Geographic Locations: New York