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- Underground Injection Control (UIC) Total results: 8
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Displaying 16 - 30 of 135 results
ADM Geologic Sequestration Well - Proposed Order SDWA-05-2025-0001
EPA took action to protect underground sources of drinking water by issuing a proposed enforcement order to Archer Daniels Midland Co. for alleged violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act related to the company’s carbon sequestration injection project in
- Geographic Locations: Illinois
(Draft Permit) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Green Lake National Fish Hatchery, Ellsworth, ME, ME0002623
A public notice of a draft MEPDES permit for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Green Lake National Fish Hatchery, Ellsworth, ME, ME0002623.
- Geographic Locations: Maine
West Lake Landfill Superfund Site, Bridgeton, Missouri
Explanation of Significant Differences Issued
- Geographic Locations: Missouri
Final Decision; South Point Energy Center - Revisions to Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Permit
Announcement of Final Decision to Issue a Revised Prevention of Significant Deterioration Permit in Indian Country under the Clean Air Act to South Point Energy Center, PSD Permit Application #2021-005-PSD, Permit AZ-98-01-C .
- Geographic Locations: Tribal Lands, Southwest, Arizona
(Draft UIC Permit) Regional School District 7 - Haddam-Killingworth Middle School, Killingworth, CT, UI0000405
A public notice of a draft UIC permit for Regional School District 7 - Haddam-Killingworth Middle School, Killingworth, CT, UI0000405.
- Geographic Locations: Connecticut
(Draft Permit) Lincoln Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment Facility, Lincoln, ME, ME0101796
A public notice of a draft MEPDES permit for Lincoln Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment Facility, Lincoln, ME, ME0101796.
- Geographic Locations: Maine
(Draft Permit) Town of East Millinocket POTW, East Millinocket, ME, ME0102881
A public notice of a draft MEPDES permit for Town of East Millinocket POTW, East Millinocket, ME, ME0102881.
- Geographic Locations: Maine
Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program Notice of Final Permit and Response to Comments Seneca Resources Company, LLC; PAS2D025BELK
EPA – Mid-Atlantic Region UIC Program is issuing its notice of a final permit for the operation of one (1) Class II-D disposal injection well located in Highland Township, Elk County, Pennsylvania.
- Geographic Locations: Mid-Atlantic, Pennsylvania
(Draft Permit) FirstLight CT Hydro LLC-Taftville, Taftville, CT, CT0030815
A public notice of a draft permit for FirstLight CT Hydro LLC-Taftville, Taftville, CT, CT0030815.
- Geographic Locations: Connecticut
EPA is soliciting public comment on the proposed permit.
- Geographic Locations: New Mexico
(Draft Permit) Allnex USA Inc, Wallingford, CT, CT0000086
A public notice of a draft permit for Allnex USA Inc, Wallingford, CT, CT0000086.
- Geographic Locations: Connecticut
2023-12 Mente CWA_02_2023-3601
EPA is providing notice of a proposed Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) for alleged violations of the Clean Water Act at the property of Mr. Robert Mente near Cayuta, NY. EPA is also providing notice of the opportunity to comment on the proposed penalt
- Geographic Locations: New York
Procopio Enterprises, Inc., CWA-01-2025-0010
Notice of Proposed Assessment of Class I Clean Water Act Section 309(g)(2)(A) Administrative Penalties and Opportunity to Comment for Procopio Enterprises, Inc., Middleton, MA, CWA-01-2025-0010 .
- Geographic Locations: New Hampshire, Massachusetts
Re-Authorization Approval for Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc., Denton, Texas (English)
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 6, Dallas, Texas office proposes to re-authorize the current storage facility, Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc., located at 1722 Cooper Creek Road, Denton, Texas, for the commercial storage of PCBs.
- Geographic Locations: Texas
Aprobación De Reautorización Para Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc., Denton, Texas (Español)
La Agencia de Protección Ambiental de los Estados Unidos propone volver a autorizar la solicitud de instalación de almacenamiento actual enviada por Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc., in Denton, Texas para el almacenamiento comercial de bifenilo policlo.
- Geographic Locations: Texas