Radon Hotlines and Information Resources
On this page:
- Frequent Questions
- Radon Hotlines
- Find a Radon Service Provider Near You
- Find a Regional Training Center
- Radon Programs
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Radon Hotlines (Toll-Free)
The EPA supports the following hotlines to best serve consumers with radon-related questions and concerns.
- 1-800-SOSRADON (1-800-767-7236)* Purchase radon test kits by phone.
- 1-800-55RADON (557-2366)* Get live help for your radon questions.
- 1-800-644-6999* Radon Fix-It Hotline for general information on fixing or reducing the radon level in your home.
- 1-800-426-4791 Safe Drinking Water Hotline for general information on drinking water, radon in water, testing and treatment, and standards for radon drinking water.
Operated under a contract with the EPA.
Kansas State University (KSU) National Radon Program Services
Phone: (785) 532-6026
Email: [email protected]
Find a Radon Service Provider or Training Center Near You
If you are interested in finding a qualified radon service professional to test or mitigate your home, or you need to purchase a radon measurement device, you should:
- Contact your State Radon Contact to find out what are, or whether there are, requirements associated with providing radon measurement and or radon mitigations/reductions in your State. Some States maintain lists of contractors available in their state or they have proficiency programs or requirements of their own.
- Contact one or both of the two privately-run national radon programs (listed here alphabetically) who are offering proficiency listing/accreditation/certification in radon testing and mitigation. (Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government.)
National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP)
Phone (toll free): (800) 269-4174 or (828) 348-0185
Email: [email protected]
National Radon Safety Board (NRSB)
Phone: (866) 329-3474
Email: [email protected]
Regional Radon Training Centers
Eastern Regional Radon Training Center (EERTC)
(States Covered: CT, DE, FL, GA, MA, MD, ME, NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, SC, VA, CT and WV)
Rutgers University
Office of Continuing Professional Education
102 Ryders Lane
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519
Contact: Casey Sky Noon
Phone: (732) 932-9271 x606
Email: [email protected]
Kansas State University's Regional Radon Training Center (Originally part of the Midwest Universities Radon Consortium)
(States Covered: AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, HI, IA, ID, IN, KS, KY, LA, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, ND, NE, NM, NV, OH, OK, OR, SD, TN, TX, UT, WA, WI, WY, Guam and Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands)
Radon Programs at Engineering Extension - Kansas State University
2323 Anderson Ave Suite 300
Manhattan, KS 66502
Contact: Brian Hanson
Phone: Toll free (833)-723-6222)
Email: [email protected]
Radon Courses
Radon Programs
National Radon Program Services
As an EPA cooperative partner, Kansas State University conducts National Radon Program Services including:
- National Radon Hotlines
- Referrals to State Radon Programs
- Radon Test Kit Coupons
- Radon Mitigation Promotion
- Other outreach activities
Phone: (785) 532-6026
Email: [email protected]
Indoor Environments AssociationTM (AARST)
Indoor Environments Association is a nonprofit, professional organization of members who are dedicated to the highest standard of excellence and ethical performance of hazard identification and abatement of radon, chemical vapor intrusion, and other contaminants of concern in the built environment. The organization primarily strives to advance the interests of its members through developing industry standards, certifying technical proficiency, enabling advancement of public policy, and communicating health risks to the public.
Phone (toll free): 866-772-2778
Email: [email protected]
American Lung Association (ALA)
The American Lung Association (ALA) is the oldest voluntary health organization in the United States. ALA is dedicated to fighting lung disease in all forms, with a special emphasis on environmental health. For the past decade, ALA has partnered with U.S. EPA to provide education on radon. ALA and its affiliates offer various public education and outreach programs and materials to promote radon testing and remediation.
Phone: (202) 785-3355 Washington, DC / (212) 315-8700 NY
Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc. (CRCPD)
CRCPD's mission is "to promote consistency in addressing and resolving radiation protection issues, to encourage high standards of quality in radiation protection programs, and to provide leadership in radiation safety and education."
Phone: (502) 227-4543
Environmental Law Institute (ELI)
"To advance environmental protection by improving law, policy and management."
Phone: (202) 939-3800
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Exchange: Radon
The HUD Exchange is an online platform that centralizes resources for HUD grantees and partners. This link provides specific Radon information, guidance, services, and tools to HUD's community partners, including state and local governments, nonprofit organizations, Continuums of Care (CoCs), Public Housing Authorities (PHAs), tribes, and partners of these organizations.
National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP)
Combined with cooperative efforts from national real estate, home inspection and building associations the NRPP will strengthen and grow. Once certified you will be:
- Listed on the Internet with a direct link to your email and/or homepage address
- Receive any NRPP newsletters
- Have the opportunity to participate in local committees and outreach efforts
- Be kept informed of educational programs and conferences
- Be recognized as a professional
Phone (toll free): (800) 269-4174 or (828) 890-4117
Email: [email protected]
National Radon Safety Board (NRSB)
"Consumers can easily search for Radon Measurement and Mitigation Professionals and Radon Laboratories in their area by name, city, state or zip code. More detailed information about certified radon professionals, such as services offered, devices used and areas serviced, may be available by clicking on the hyperlink to their NRSB Web Page. Information about the certification process, including applications, education requirements, approved training courses, exam guidance and a listing of all approved Measurement and Mitigation courses (Initial Training and Continuing Education) are posted to the website. The NRSB also links to other valuable radon resources such as: EPA publications, state radon offices, regional EPA offices, AARST and the Consumer Federation of America"
Phone (toll free): (866) 329-3474
Email: [email protected]