Renewable Fuel Pathway Screening Tool
To receive tailored information on whether and how to proceed with a new pathway petition, we strongly encourage you to use the Pathway Screening Tool by following the instructions provided below.
Why should I use the Pathway Screening Tool?
- It is intended to streamline the petition process.
- It gives us an opportunity to review information about your proposed pathway and respond with questions or suggested next steps before you prepare a complete petition.
- In some cases we may determine that a petition is unnecessary. In other cases, we may be able to provide detailed information on what areas to focus on when preparing a petition.
Who should use the Pathway Screening Tool?
- Anyone with the following questions:
- Should I submit a petition?
- Is my fuel pathway already eligible to generate Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) using an existing pathway?
- Are there special issues that I should focus on as I prepare my petition?
- In general, it is intended for those who:
- Plan to submit a petition;
- Have demonstrated the commercial viability of their fuel pathway at pilot scale; and
- Have developed a business plan for commercialization that includes funding.
- If you have other questions about the RFS program (e.g., registration, RIN transactions) please contact the Fuels Support Line.
Pathway Screening Tool
How do I use the Pathway Screening Tool?
- Fill out the Pathway Screening Tool fields below to provide the requested information for your proposed pathway.
- Click the "Submit " button at the bottom of the Pathway Screening Tool to send it to EPA.
- EPA will review the information and provide a written response in a timely manner via email, usually within 30 days.