Findings from EPA’s PFAS Innovative Treatment Team on PFAS Destruction Technologies Webinar Archive
This webinar, recorded on February 17, 2021, featured Brian Gullet, PITT Lead in the Center of Environmental Measurement and Modeling of EPA’s Office of Research and Development, presenting “Findings from EPA’s PFAS Innovative Treatment Team (PITT) on PFAS Destruction Technologies.” EPA’s PITT was a six-month, dedicated full-time team of multi-disciplined EPA researchers brought together to concentrate their scientific efforts on exploring disposal and destruction options for PFAS-contaminated waste. During the PITT’s operation, the team worked together to assess current and emerging PFAS destruction technologies, explore the efficacy of these PFAS destruction technologies (including consideration of potentially hazardous byproducts), and evaluate the feasibility, performance and cost of various PFAS destruction methods to better understand potential solutions. This presentation highlights the results of the PITT’s research and next steps for PFAS waste treatment technologies.
View the Findings from EPA’s PITT on PFAS Destruction Technologies webinar recording.