After a reportable accident, do I have to revise my RMP?
I recently submitted my five-year RMP update required by section 68.190 (b)(1) and included my accident history for the previous five years. Two months later, we had another reportable accident. Do I have to do anything to revise my RMP?
Yes. You must revise your accident history within six months of the date of the new accident to include information about it. You do this by submitting an RMP that corrects section 6 (the accident history section) so that it includes all accident history information reported on the most recent update, as well as the information about the new accident. You should also indicate the reason for your correction (i.e., new accident history information) in the appropriate field in section 1 of RMP*Submit.
Facilities reporting under Programs 2 and 3 must also revise the incident investigation information in their RMPs (section 7 or 8 of their RMP). Specifically, the date of investigation (40 CFR 68.170(j)) and the expected date of completion of any changes (40 CFR 68.175(l)) should be revised. You do not need to update or correct any other section of the RMP, unless you have taken actions (e.g., as a result of the accident) that trigger an update in accordance with section 68.190.