Frequently Asked Questions for 2024 SNEP Network RFA
Are nonprofit organizations eligible to apply?
Yes. As is stated in Section IIIA of the RFA, eligible applicants include state, local, and tribal governments; institutions of higher education; nonprofit institutions and organizations; and interstate agencies.
Ineligible applicants include private businesses, federal agencies, and individuals; however, they may work in partnership with eligible applicants on these projects.
Can a municipality apply for this award and use it for municipal watershed projects and infrastructure?
Municipalities are eligible to apply for this grant, but the grantee would be expected to use these funds to provide a technical assistance network for the entire region not just their own town or city.
When developing the SNEP Network 5-year budget, will we need to break the budget into separate tasks? In other words, will we need to reflect the allocations for each task (cohesion, training, tech assistance, etc.) as separate line items in the budget?
For the budget and budget narrative, we encourage as much detail as possible, especially with respect to the first year of work. Breaking the budget into specific tasks can be helpful to organize the budget; but is not required. At the beginning of each future year, the grantee will be asked to provide a detailed workplan for that year.
It is written in the RFA that letters of commitment are required for any subawardees identified in the proposal, however it does not mention anything about letters of support. Can we include letters of support in the application? If so, is there a limit to letters of support we can attach?
Letters of commitment are required for subawardees included in the application, if any. Letter of support – or letters written by organizations not directly involved in the application – will be accepted but are not required. However, letters of support are not included as part of the grading rubric and therefore applicants will not be penalized if they do not include letters of support.
In Section E. Application materials, it states that resumes/CV of staff who will be working on the grant should be attached. Does "staff" include subawarded partners who will be working on the project, or does "staff only refer to those working on the from the primary applicants?
"Staff" does not include subawardees, only those working on the grant for the primary applicant.
Staff does not include subawardees, only those working on the grant for the primary applicant.