Holistic Water Resource Management Workshop
SNEP FDC Workshop: On September 29, EPA- SNEP hosted a workshop on Holistic Watershed Management to discuss results of an EPA Region 1 applied research project designed to investigate the utility of stormwater flow duration curves (FDC) and demonstrate and communicate the impacts of impervious cover at the watershed and site-scales. Stormwater managers can use the FDC approach to identify ways to restore a watershed to its predevelopment hydrology. Doing this can help to reduce flooding and improve water quality and build community resiliency against the impacts of land development and climate change.
Background: The FDC project is a 'proof of concept' demonstration: The development and use of flow duration curves (FDC) for low-order and/or headwater stream segments as a watershed optimization management tool for quantifying the impacts from impervious cover development (IC conversion) and the benefits of next generation stormwater management and conservation strategies. FDCs will be used to assess development impacts and inform potential stormwater management decisions considering both existing and future climate. This includes understanding how different levels of stormwater management influence flood risk (flooding frequency and duration), stream-channel stability, changes to water quality and increased pollutant export, reduced stream base flow and changes in groundwater recharge as it relates to ecohydrological function and hydrogeomorphology. A core element of next generation stormwater management is maintaining both predevelopment hydrology and pollutant load for watershed protection and resiliency.
For more information, please reference the General Project Description and Project Website.
10:00-10:05 | Introduction
10:05-10:25 | Project Background and Objectives
Ray Cody, EPA Region 1, Boston
10:25–10:55 | Technical Introduction and Implication for the Use of FDCs for Stormwater Management
Mark Voorhees, EPA Region 1, Boston
10:55-11:00 | Break
11:00-11:45 | Modeling and Development of the FDC: Phases 1 and 2
Khalid Alvi, Paradigm, Inc.
11:45-12:40 | Application of Next Generation Stormwater Management at the Site-Scale
Robert Roseen, Waterstone Engineering
12:40-12:45 | Break
12:45- 1:05 | Recommendations for Municipal Bylaws
Julie LaBranche, Planning Consultant
1:05-1:15 | Outreach Materials
Michelle Vuto, EPA Region 1, Boston
1:15-1:50 | Discussion / Q&A
1:50–2:00 | Wrap up and closing / Next Steps
Workshop Products:
- Workshop summary
- Holistic Water Resource Management Workshop Presentation Slides (pdf)
- Workshop transcript
Workshop Video: