Impaired Waters and TMDLs in Region 7
Serving Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Nine Tribal Nations.
Region 7's water priority is protecting and improving water quality across America's greatest watershed, the Missouri-Mississippi Basin.
Basic Information
Region 7 Information
State and Tribal Programs for CWA 303(d) in Region 7
State TMDL Programs in Region 7
- Iowa Department of Natural Resources
- Kansas Department of Health and Environment
- Missouri Department of Natural Resources
- Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality
*Public Notice links provided here are for informational purposes only and do not convey EPA approval of documents on public notice.
State 303d Listing (Impaired Waters) Programs in Region 7
- Iowa Department of Natural Resources
- Kansas Department of Health and Environment
- Missouri Department of Natural Resources
- Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality
*Public Notice links provided here are for informational purposes only and do not convey EPA approval of documents on public notice.
Tribal Environmental/Water Programs in Region 7
- Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska
- Kickapoo Nation in Kansas
- Meskwaki Nation: Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa
- Omaha Tribe of Nebraska
- Ponca Tribe of Nebraska
- Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation
- Sac & Fox Nation of Missouri
- Santee Sioux Nation
- Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska
EPA TMDL and 303(d) Listing Program Contacts in Region 7
Jeffery Robichaud, Region 7 Water Division, Division Director, 913-551-7146
Amy Shields, Standards and Water Quality Branch, Branch Supervisor, 913-551-7396
David Pratt, Water Quality Section Supervisor, 913-551-7552
Chelsea Paxson, Regional TMDL and IR Coordinator, 913-551-7609
Kimberly Bowman, Regional ATTAINS and Data Management Coordinator, 913-551-7594