New York Impaired Waters List
These documents detail New York State's 303(d) lists and EPA actions from past cycles
- EPA Decision Letter on NY 2020-2022 303(d) list (pdf)
- Support Document for Review and Partial Approval/Partial Disapproval of the New York 2020-2022 303(d) List (pdf)
- Factsheet on the New York 2020-2022 303(d) List (pdf)
- Submission: New York 2018 Impaired Waters List (pdf) and Supplement (pdf)
- Factsheet: New York 2018 Impaired Waters List (pdf)
- EPA Region 2 Decision Letter and Supporting Documentation for New York State's 2018 303(d) List (pdf)
- Submission: New York 2016 303(d) List (pdf)
- Factsheet: New York 2016 Impaired Waters List (pdf)
- EPA Region 2 Decision Letter for New York State's 2016 303(d) List (pdf)
- Supporting Documentation for New York State's 2016 303(d) List (pdf)