Partial Approval/Partial Disapproval of New York's 2018 303(d) List
On March 10, 2022, EPA partially approved, partially disapproved, and has further action pending on the New York 2018 Section 303(d) list. EPA approved the New York 2018 303(d) list with respect to the eight hundred and thirty-five (835) waterbody/pollutant combinations New York identified on the list as requiring a total maximum daily load (TMDL). EPA disapproved the New York 2018 303(d) list because EPA determined that New York did not identify twenty-two (22) waterbody/pollutant combinations on the New York 2018 303(d) list that meet 303(d) listing requirements. EPA has further action pending with regard to one hundred and fifty-six (156) waterbody/pollutant combinations. Pursuant to EPA’s disapproval of the New York 2018 303(d) list and consistent with Section 303(d)(2) of the CWA, EPA added these 22 waterbody/pollutant combinations on the New York 2018 303(d) list.
EPA accepted public comments on this action from July 18, 2022 to September 16, 2022. After considering the comments received and in accordance with the CWA and EPA’s regulations and guidance, EPA concluded that no revisions to its addition of these 22 waterbody/pollutant combinations on the New York 2018 303(d) list are appropriate.
The rationale and supporting data for EPA's decision are provided in the documents below, along with New York's 2018 303(d) List submission.
For questions, please contact Ryan Van Manen ([email protected]), 212-637-3819