TRI Dioxin and Dioxin-like Compounds and TEQ Data Files: Calendar Years 2008 - Present
- Includes reporting forms processed as of: October 23, 2024
Facilities report dioxin and dioxin-like compounds quantity data on the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Reporting Form R Schedule 1. The files linked below contain these data and the EPA-calculated Toxic Equivalency (TEQ) values. Each .zip file contains six .csv (comma-separated value) files.
File Contents
The six .csv files in each .zip file are:
- Toxic Equivalency Factors (TEFs)
- Schedule 1 Congener
- Toxic Equivalents (TEQs)
- Transfers
- Water Congener
- Water Toxic Equivalents (TEQs)
More About Dioxin Reporting
There are 17 distinct members of the TRI dioxin and dioxin-like compounds chemical category. Facilities must submit individual dioxin member data on the Form R Schedule 1, in addition to completing the Form R.
To account for how dioxin and dioxin-like compounds vary in toxicity, EPA calculates weighted values called toxic equivalents (TEQs) using the individual mass quantity data (in grams) reported by facilities and Toxic Equivalency Factors (TEFs) established by the World Health Organization. TEQs allow for a better understanding of the toxicity of chemical releases at facilities.
File Documentation and Help
- For more information about using these files, see Dioxin TEQ Data Files Guide (docx)
- You can email us your question or comment.