Federal Water and Wastewater Resources for Tribes
About this Document:
This document summarizes available funding opportunities and technical assistance support provided by federal agencies to Tribes and Alaska Native Villages. Access to safe drinking water and proper sanitation facilities is critical for Tribal communities, and the federal government continues to work with Tribes on this issue across the country. Funding sources are listed first, followed by technical assistance. Both sections are organized by agency, and include the program name, a brief description, and weblinks for further information. Agencies whose programs are included are:
- Environmental Protection Agency; https://www.fema.gov/disaster/coronavirus/governments
- Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service;
- Department of Agriculture - Rural Development;
- Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation;
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;
- Department of Housing and Urban Development; and
- Federal Emergency Management Agency.
These agencies work together to coordinate their funding processes as well as their project planning and permitting strategies to help simplify the actions that tribes need to take to acquire federal funding to improve their water and wastewater systems. This includes work done to streamline the process to acquire funding developed by the Federal Infrastructure Task Force as described on their website ( https://www.epa.gov/tribal/federal-infrastructure-task-force-improve-access-safe-drinking-water-and-basic-sanitation).
On this page:
Funding |
Program Name |
Summary |
Weblink |
Drinking Water Infrastructure Grant - Tribal Set Aside |
Annual funding from EPA Regions to support design and construction of Tribal water infrastructure. Funding is prioritized to address the most significant public health threats posed by inadequate system infrastructure. |
www.epa.gov/tribaldrinkingwater/drinking-water-infrastructure-grants-tribal-set-aside-program |
Clean Water Indian Set Aside |
Annual funding from EPA Regions to support design and construction of Tribal wastewater infrastructure. Funding is typically transferred to IHS, which oversees the infrastructure design and construction. |
www.epa.gov/small-and-rural-wastewater-systems/clean-water-indian-set-aside-program |
Tribal Public Water Supply System Supervision (PWSSS) Program |
Funding to the Navajo Nation EPA and EPA Regions to help ensure they comply with drinking water standards and regulations. |
www.epa.gov/tribaldrinkingwater/tribal-public-water-system-supervision-program |
Tribal General Assistance Program (GAP) Grants |
Funding to Tribes for planning, developing, and establishing environmental protection programs and for developing and implementing solid and hazardous waste programs on Tribal lands. |
www.epa.gov/tribal/indian-environmental-general-assistance-program-gap |
Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Grants |
Funding through EPA Regions to increase the technical, managerial, and financial capacity of a public water system. Can be used for training, technical assistance, or infrastructure improvements. |
Environmental Justice Grant Program |
Up to $1,000,000 in grants (max. $200,000 each) to Tribes, States, and Communities to improve the environment and public health conditions of low-income and minority communities. |
www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/state-environmental-justice-cooperative-agreement-program |
Alaska Native Villages and Rural Communities Water Grant Program |
The program assists these communities with the construction of new or improved wastewater and drinking water systems. Communities can also use the funding for training and technical assistance in system operations and maintenance. | https://www.epa.gov/small-and-rural-wastewater-systems/alaska-native-villages-and-rural-communities-water-grant-program |
Program Name |
Summary |
Weblink |
Sanitary Facilities Construction Funding |
Provides drinking water and sanitation facilities construction as well as operations and maintenance technical assistance to American Indian and Alaska Native homes and communities. Maintains a national inventory of sanitation deficiencies. |
Program Name |
Summary |
Weblink |
Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants |
Provided to low-income communities that face significant health risks through the lack of safe drinking water and clean sanitation facilities. Funds can be used for construction of basic drinking water and waste disposal systems, including storm drainage. This program is commonly referred to as the ECWAG program. |
www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/emergency-community-water-assistance-grants |
SEARCH - Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households |
This program helps very small, financially distressed rural communities with proposed water and waste disposal projects. It can be used to pay for pre-development planning, preliminary design and engineering analysis, and technical assistance for the development of an application for financial assistance. |
Water & Waste Disposal Grants to Alleviate Health Risks on Tribal Lands and Colonias |
Provided to low-income communities that face significant health risks with access to safe, reliable drinking water and waste disposal services and facilities. Funds can be used for construction of basic drinking water and waste disposal systems including storm drainage. This program is often referred to as the 306C, Native American and/or the Colonias set-aside program. |
Water & Waste Disposal Loans & Grants |
This program provides low-interest, long-term loans and grants for clean and reliable drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal, sanitary solid waste disposal, and storm water drainage to households and businesses in eligible rural areas. |
www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/water-waste-disposal-loan-grant-program |
Water & Waste Disposal Predevelopment Planning Grants |
This program assists low-income communities with initial planning and development of applications for USDA Rural Development Water and Waste Disposal direct loan/grant and loan guarantee programs. These grants tend to be slightly larger than SEARCH grants, but they are limited to a maximum of 75% of the total cost of the activities. |
www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/water-waste-disposal-predevelopment-planning-grants |
Grants for Rural and Native Alaskan Villages |
This program helps remote Alaskan villages provide safe, reliable drinking water and waste disposal systems for households and businesses. This program is commonly referred to as the RAVG program. |
Program Name |
Summary |
Weblink |
Drought Response Program - Emergency Response Actions |
Assists with emergency response actions under the Drought Response Program to minimize losses and damages resulting from drought. Eligible activities are limited to temporary construction and other actions that do not involve construction of permanent facilities, including water purchases and use of reclamation facilities to convey and store water. |
Drought Response Program - Drought Resiliency Projects |
Provides 50/50 cost share funding (max. $750,000 each) to help prepare for and respond to drought. Projects must meet one of the following goals: increase the reliability of water supply and sustainability; improve water management and increase operational flexibility; implement systems to facilitate voluntary sale, transfer or exchange of water; provide benefits for fish and wildlife and the environment; and mitigate poor water quality caused by drought. |
WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grants |
Provides 50/50 cost share funding (max. $1,500,000 each) to conserve and use water more efficiently; increase the production of hydropower; mitigate conflict risk in areas at a high risk of future water conflict; and accomplish other benefits that contribute to water supply reliability in the western United States. |
WaterSMART Small-Scale Water Efficiency Projects |
Provides 50/50 cost share funding (max. $200,000 each) for small water efficiency improvements, including installation of flow measurement or automation in a specific part of a water delivery system, lining of a section of a canal to address seepage, or other similar projects that are limited in scope. |
Native American Affairs Technical Assistance Program (TAP) |
Provides financial and technical assistance to Indian tribes and Tribal organizations as they develop, manage, and protect their water and related resources (max. $200,000 each). |
Native American Affairs Program Emergency Technical Assistance |
Provides emergency assistance to tribes by funding activities such as potable water infrastructure repairs. |
Program Name |
Summary |
Weblink |
Tribal Public Health Capacity-Building and Quality Improvement Umbrella Cooperative Agreement |
Increase State, Tribal, local, and territorial public health agencies' capacity to manage and deliver high-quality programs and services to protect the public’s health more efficiently and effectively. |
Environmental Health Capacity (EHC) Cooperative Agreement Program |
The Environmental Health Capacity program (EHC) provides funding to increase the capacity of health department environmental health programs. Environmental health capacity is a crucial part of protecting the nation’s public health. |
Program Name |
Summary |
Weblink |
Indian Community Development Block Grant Program (ICDBG) |
Direct grants that must principally benefit low-and-moderate-income persons. Can provide funding for housing, economic development, and community facilities/infrastructure construction (e.g., roads; water and sewer facilities; and single or multipurpose community buildings). |
https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/public_indian_housing/ih/grants/icdbg |
Indian Housing Block Grant Program (IHBG) |
Formula grants that provide a range of affordable housing activities on Indian reservations and Indian areas. Eligible activities include housing acquisition and development including infrastructure, assistance to housing developed under previous Indian Housing Programs, housing services such as housing counseling to eligible families and individuals, crime prevention and safety, and model activities that provide creative approaches to solving affordable housing problems. |
https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/public_indian_housing/ih/grants/ihbg |
Program Name |
Summary |
Weblink |
FEMA Public Assistance Grants |
FEMA may provide assistance for emergency protective measures including, but not limited to: management; control and reduction of immediate threats to public health and safety; emergency medical care; and medical sheltering. |
Technical Assistance |
Program Name |
Summary |
Weblinks |
Drinking Water and Wastewater Technical Assistance Support |
Technical Assistance and training to improve the operation and maintenance of drinking water and wastewater systems serving Tribal communities provided through Indian Health Service Areas. |
https://www.epa.gov/tribaldrinkingwater/tribal-public-water-system-supervision-program |
Program Name |
Summary |
Weblink |
Public Outreach Information and COVID-Prevention Strategy at Navajo Nation Temporary Watering Points |
Increase community knowledge about the availability of temporary water access points, safe water hauling practices, and avoidance of septic tank effluent. |
Project Planning |
Needs assessment, planning, and design activities related to water and sewer facilities. |
Program Name |
Summary |
Weblink |
Water and Waste Disposal Technical Assistance and Training Grants |
This program helps qualified, private nonprofits provide technical assistance and training to identify and evaluate solutions to water and waste problems; helps applicants prepare applications for water and waste disposal loans/grants; and helps associations improve the operation and maintenance of water and waste facilities in eligible rural areas. |
Circuit Rider Program - Technical Assistance for Rural Water |
This program provides technical assistance to rural water systems that are experiencing day-to-day operational, financial, or managerial issues. |
Program Name |
Summary |
Weblink |
Water Conservation Field Services Program Technical Assistance |
Provides technical assistance for development, management, and protection of water and related resources. Tribal representatives should work with appropriate Water Conservation Field Services Program |
https://www.usbr.gov/pn/programs/wat/fieldservices.html https://www.usbr.gov/uc/progact/waterconsv/index.html |
Native American Affairs Technical Assistance Program (TAP) |
Provides technical assistance to Indian tribes and Tribal organizations to develop, manage, and protect their water and related resources. Tribal representatives should work with appropriate Regional Native American Affairs Program Manager to prepare scope of work and budget. |
Program Name |
Summary |
Weblink |
Water and COVID FAQs |
Information about COVID 19 and potential issues with drinking water, treated recreational water, and wastewater. |
Drinking Water Guidance |
Information on developing an emergency water supply. |
Sanitation and Wastewater Guidance |
Information on developing emergency responses for wastewater systems. |
Planning and Response Guidance for Water Emergencies |
Information to assist public health professionals, water utilities, first responders, and others as they plan for and respond to emergency situations that impact water, sanitation, and hygiene related needs. |