TSCA CBI Training - Document Management
New TSCA CBI Documents, Working Papers
The chances are pretty good that you are going to eventually create documents (notes, outlines, drafts, print-outs from the CBI LAN) from TSCA CBI sources. These documents (works-in-progress) are internal documents that can exist in paper or electronic form and are considered to be TSCA CBI documents. Working papers or other such works-in-progress must be protected from unauthorized disclosure and handled like any other CBI document.
Working papers are exempt from logging procedures as long as they remain in the possession and/or control of the originator, or in the possession of a TSCA CBI-certified federal or contractor employee who works in an SSA or has an approved storage container for storing the CBI when not in use.
If you ever make multiple copies of a working paper (the copies are now working papers, too!) to give to members of a review group, you are going to have to track the copies and make sure you get all of them returned.
If you are the originator of a working paper or the individual who prints the document from the CBI LAN, you may destroy that working paper and any copies made, preferably by shredding.