TSCA CBI Training - Introduction

Course Navigation and Certification
Finding Your Way Through This Course:

The course consists of four subject areas. Each of these subject areas can be seen on the "bar" to the left. You can always tell where you are based on which subject is highlighted in yellow. For example, you are now in the "Introduction" section of the course, so that is highlighted to the left. The course is constructed so that you can take it in one sitting and in sequential order.
Course Certification:
You only have to do two things to get certified (or re-certified).
- Complete this course
- Completely fill out the new TSCA CBI Access & VDI electronic workflow via Salesforce.
At the end of the course, you will be prompted to complete the data fields which will start the initial electronic workflow process.

Turn in either certification form to your DCO, and be sure to attach a copy of a printout which lists any TSCA CBI documents you have in your possession. (At HQ the printout should be obtained from the Confidential Business Information Center (CBIC)).
Ready? Let's go....