TSCA CBI Training - Responsibilities

Monitoring and Notification of Overdue Materials/Sanitizing Documents
The DCO monitors overdue TSCA CBI and notifies employees and supervisors. DCOs also must monitor the Inventory Log for TSCA CBI that have not been returned within the required one-year period. DCOs also notify employees and their supervisors of overdue materials by distributing to each a list of all TSCA CBI documents logged out to the employee before the annual security briefing and TSCA CBI re-certification are accomplished.
The DCO assists employees in determining if documents contain TSCA CBI and in sanitizing documents for public disclosure. The responsibility for determining if documents contain TSCA CBI rests with the document's originator. The DCO also instructs document originators on how to sanitize a TSCA CBI document if the document is going to be released to the public.