TSCA CBI Training - Violations

Written Report

After you give an oral report, you then have to file a written report within two business days, unless otherwise relieved of the requirement, in writing, by your division director. Contractor employees must provide the written report to their PO or PO designee. The written report must include any relevant circumstances or facts known by the employee, and describe any of the following:
- Possible violation of procedures
- Possible unauthorized disclosure of TSCA CBI
- Materials possibly unaccounted for
To investigate what occurred, you should examine files and discuss the matter with other individuals who may have firsthand knowledge of the facts. Your division director must review the employee's report and provide any additional comments or information. Within 2 business days of receiving the report, the Division Director must refer the report to the EPA OPPT Project Management and Operations Division (PMOD) Division Director. If the Division Director reviews the employee's report and determines there was no violation of procedures, loss of TSCA CBI, or unauthorized disclosure, referral of the report is not required.