Program Updates - San Antonio River Basin
Phase 1 Segment 1 San Pedro Creeks Project Compete
USGS Publishes Report on Water Quality in the San Antonio Segment of the Edwards Aquifer
The San Antonio segment of the Edwards aquifer provides important water resources to the region, habitat for endemic and endangered species, and supplies major spring systems such as Comal Springs and San Marcos Springs.In the face of increasing pressures from urbanization, a better understanding of the sources, fate, and transport of anthropogenic contaminants in the aquifer is needed to improve water management decision-making capabilities. Additionally, the role of surface water-groundwater interaction, and effects on water quality under a range of flow conditions, is needed to understand urbanization impacts to the aquifer. More information here .
City of San Antonio World Heritage Office
On August 15, 2017 Colleen Swain, Director, City of San Antonio World Heritage Office gave an overview and workplan update to the Arts, Culture and Heritage Council Committee. The Workplan included updates on infrastructure, transportation, beautification, small business development, marketing, land use, and the Alamo Master Plan.
San Antonio Wins the Thiess International Riverprize
San Antonio wins the Thiess International Riverprize by the River Network which recognizes inspiring initiatives that demonstrate Integrated River Basin Management to restore and protect rivers, wetlands, lakes and estuaries.
Read more about Riverprize here.
How Low Impact Development is Changing the San Antonio Landscape
This 2 page guide produced by the San Antonio River Authority (SARA) shows how incorporating sustainable land-use best management practices into initial site selection, project planning, and lifecycle operations and maintenance planning can improve the environment, decrease costs and improve quality of life.
Inclusive Planning Effort
On June 2, the local San Antonio Urban Waters Partnership hosted a planning session aimed at identifying community members and organizations that should be a part of the process. The partnership is shifting to theme-based project implementation, where partnership goals and objectives are identified at the forefront thereby encouraging new stakeholders to align their priorities to the partnership. The San Antonio River Basin Local Workplan highlights current status of projects, and various opportunity to access resources, technical assistance and training opportunities in the San Antonio River Basin.
San Pedro Creek Update
The San Antonio River Authority held a San Pedro Creek subcommittee meeting on May 11, 2017. Construction tours were available to the public to offer a sneak peak of the process used to improve the creek's flood control function, revitalize its natural habitat and water quality, and catalyze economic development.
Detailed construction and restoration updates can be found here on the San Pedro Creek webpage.
Earth Day Butterfly Walk
On April 22, 2017, the San Antonio River Authority celebrated Earth Day by hosting a “Butterfly Walk” along the San Antonio River. Attendees were given the opportunity to learn about butterfly gardens, citizen science programs, and ecosystem restoration.
River Reach
River Reach is a quarterly, 12-page newsletter that is designed to inform San Antonio River Authority's (SARA) constituents about the agency's many projects, serve as a communication vehicle for the board of directors and foster a sense of unity and identity among the residents of San Antonio and surrounding counties. To be more environmentally-friendly, SARA offers the newsletter in an electronic PDF format for online viewing.
If you wish to be placed on the mailing list for River Reach , click here.
Inclusive work planning
On April 7, the San Antonio partnership hosted a local partner meeting where attendees discussed the previous evening’s workshop as well as priorities for the upcoming fiscal year. Partners look forward to drafting a location workplan that is thematic, rather than partner specific, and developing a plan to engage more non-profits, NGOs, and community groups.
Engaging for environmental education
On April 6, the San Antonio partnership hosted a public workshop with the intention of engaging new partners in the field of environmental education. Agencies currently supported by the Urban Waters Partnership shared educational and stewardship opportunities available at their respective agencies. Attendees also had the opportunity to network amongst each other, expanding collaboration in the process.
Planning for an Urban Farm
On February 15, 2017 the Choice Neighborhood Initiative hosted the first of many community sessions intended to inform residents about plans for an Urban Farm. This project also aims to diversify fresh produce options while also bringing the community together. The farm hopes to minimize the use of pesticides, and provide open spaces which can serve as educational hubs that share health-centered curriculum that would interest children and families.
Grand Re-Opening: Elmendorf Park
On January 21st, the San Antonio River Authority, in collaboration with city partners and stakeholders, hosted the grand re-opening of Elmendorf Park. The park, which has been an integral part of the Westside community for generations, was renovated to include improved sidewalks, access points, and curbing that directs stormwater into a nearby rain garden. These renovations are one component of the larger West Side Creeks Restoration Project.
Phase 1 San Pedro Creek Improvements
On December 15th, Bexar County and the San Antonio River Authority held a community meeting to inform the public about the beginning of the San Pedro Creek Improvements Project Phase 1 construction. San Antonio River Authority General Manager Suzanne Scott gave an overview of the project and Project Manager Kerry Averyt discussed the construction timeline. More than 120 members of the community attended.
The PowerPoint from the meeting can be found here.
Litter Trap
In October, The San Antonio River Authority (SARA) installed a Litter Trap with a Trash Boom collection system along the historic Alazan Creek to mitigate pollution in the San Antonio River. The center trash collection basket will be able to trap trash and floatable debris after large storm events, making trash collection more efficient.
Success Report
The San Antonio River Authority releassed a Success Report showcasing all the accomplishments of the River Oversight Committee since the project's completion in 2013. The project included the initiation of watershed clean-up groups, which collected floatable debris after major storm events and planted trees near and along the San Antonio River. From 2013-2016, 243,307 pounds of trash were collected along the river and approximately 8,200 trees were planted.
February 6th:
The World Heritage Symposium was held at the STEM Early College High School. Missions in San Antonio have been designated as Heritage sites. For more information on the previous Symposiums and how the World Heritage designation will affect San Antonio's five Spanish colonial missions check out the National Park Service's San Antonio Missions website.