UST Finder
EPA developed UST Finder, a web map application containing a comprehensive national map of underground storage tank (UST) and UST release data. The application has a combination of data sourced from states and territories, and EPA data for Indian country. It provides the attributes and locations of active and closed USTs, UST facilities, and UST releases in states as of 2018-2019, US territories as of 2020-2021, and Tribal lands as of 2023. UST Finder contains information about proximity of UST facilities and UST releases to: surface and groundwater public drinking water protection areas; estimated number of private domestic wells and number of people living nearby; and flooding and wildfires areas. UST Finder can import additional data layers and export UST facility and UST release site information for use by other software programs. This tool is a collaboration among EPA's Office of Underground Storage Tanks, Office of Research and Development, Regions, the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials and Tribes.
UST Finder is available on EPA’s GeoPlatform. A quick start guide and user manual are available in the application and can be found via the links below.
UST Finder: National Underground Storage Tanks and Releases Web Map (pdf) (394 K) Provides a 2-page overview about UST Finder
UST Finder Quick Start Guide (pdf) helps you navigate UST Finder.
UST Finder User Manual (pdf) (3.9 MB) Provides a step-by-step guide on how to navigate the UST Finder application as well as methods used and background material
UST Finder Webinar October 2020. The Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) hosted a webinar for state and regional UST stakeholders highlighting UST Finder’s features and data
Instructional Videos EPA developed three instructional videos for UST Finder
For more information about UST Finder, contact [email protected]