Upload Data: Resources for Registered ATTAINS Users
This returns users to the ATTAINS landing page.
Get Data: Access Public ATTAINS Data
This page provides access to public ATTAINS data in How’s My Waterway, ATTAINS Web Services, ATTAINS geospatial service, and historical National Water Quality Inventory Reports to Congress.
ATTAINS Program Information
This page provides State, Tribal, and EPA partners with information on how to access ATTAINS through the User Interface or Exchange Network, in order to submit or review data.
The ATTAINS system allows registered state or Tribal users to create Assessment Units and upload assessment decisions about those Assessment Units for their organization. In addition, the ATTAINS system allows registered EPA users to provide comments about assessment decisions, and to review Clean Water Act Section 303(d) lists of impaired waters. Users may work directly with the web user interface, batch upload files within the user interface, or submit data via the Exchange Network data flow.
Jump to:
- ATTAINS Registration Information
- ATTAINS Exchange Network Tools
- ATTAINS User Interface Tools
- Tutorials and Training
ATTAINS Registration Information
Registered users may access the ATTAINS User Interface here. If the hyperlink does not work, please copy and paste https://attains.epa.gov/attains/login directly into your browser.
- The How to Register for ATTAINS Fact Sheet explains the steps needed to obtain a User ID and get setup in the system.
- The How to Access ATTAINS Through CDX (pdf) document explains how state/territory/Tribal users will access ATTAINS after the upcoming transition of CDX authentication to Login.gov authentication.
- The How to Sign in to ATTAINS Fact Sheet explains how different users access the system.
- The Using EPA Gateway and Login.gov to Login to ATTAINS (pdf) document explains how EPA users can register for Login.gov and use that login to connect to an existing ATTAINS account.
- Having Trouble logging into ATTAINS? The How to Reset Your CDX Password (pdf) document explains how state, territory and Tribal Users can reset their password.
- Contacts - If you need assistance with ATTAINS, start with your regional Data Management Coordinator (DMC). They can set up an ATTAINS account for you, and can answer many of your system-related questions.
ATTAINS Exchange Network Tools
Resources regarding submitting data through the Exchange Network - ATTAINS data flow are available on the Exchange Network page.
- The Flow Configuration Document provides information on service end points
- The Data Exchange Template provides information on the required versus optional fields in ATTAINS
ATTAINS User Interface Tools
- Batch Upload Templates
Assessment Unit Batch Upload Template (xlsm)
- This Excel template can be used to upload new Assessment Units or update information about existing Assessment Units through batch upload capability in the ATTAINS User Interface. The file allows users to provide information such as Assessment Unit ID and Assessment Unit Name as well as Water Types, Locations and Monitoring Stations associated with the Assessment Unit. After entering the information, save each tab of the file as a .CSV. To upload this file, go to the Assessment Units tab and select "Upload Assessment Units" from the Menu button. This file uses the ATTAINS Domains Service. Instructions for using the Assessment Unit (AU) Batch Upload can be found in the Tutorials and Training section lower on this page.
- Bulk Rename Template (xlsx) - This template can be used to rename Assessment Unit IDs from an existing ID to a new ID. This file is not for Splits or Merges because those can only be done in the User Interface. After entering the information, save the file as a .CSV. To Upload this file, go to the Assessment Units tab and select "Manage Assessment Units" from the Menu button.
- Bulk Retire Template (xlsx) - This template can be used to retire Assessment Unit IDs. Retired Assessment Units can be seen in ATTAINS, along with historical assessment decisions, but no new assessments may be associated with them. After entering the information, save the file as a .CSV. To upload this file, go to the Assessment Units tab and select "Manage Assessment Units" from the Menu button. Note: Retiring an Assessment Unit is permanent.
If you need to delete a series of Assessment Units such that they do not appear in ATTAINS at all, please contact your Data Management Coordinator for assistance.
Assessment Batch Upload Template (xlsm)
- This Excel template can be used to upload Assessment decisions about Assessment Units. The file allows users to provide information on the last time the Assessment Unit was monitored and assessed. It also includes the Uses that apply to the Assessment Unit and the decisions about those Uses. It also includes the Parameters that were assessed and the decisions about the parameter (whether it was meeting criteria, a cause of impairment or an observed effect), and any Sources of impairment. It also includes Assessment Type information. The file also includes a Seasons tab if the Organization applies different Assessment decisions for different seasons during the year. The Associated Actions template is now included as a tab in the Assessment Batch Upload template. The Associated Actions tab is for associating existing Actions IDs with Assessment decisions, so ATTAINS can calculate the appropriate EPA IR Category (such as Category 4A or 4B). After entering the information, save each tab of the file as a .CSV. To upload this file, go to the Assessments tab and select "Upload Assessments" from the Menu button. This file uses the ATTAINS Domains services. Instructions for using the Assessments Batch Upload, as well as tips for avoiding common errors, can be found in the Tutorials and Training section lower on this page.
- The Associated Actions template was previously a separate template. It has now been merged into the Assessments Batch Upload Template.
- Tribal Assessment Batch Upload Template (xlsm) - This Excel template is for Tribal Organizations that do not have 303(d) TAS (Treatment As a State). The Assessment data requirements are different for Organizations that do not have 303(d) TAS. Tribal Organizations that do have 303(d) TAS should use the Assessment Batch Upload Template instead.
- TMDL Action Batch Upload Template (xlsm) - This Excel template can be used to upload TDML Actions. State users may only enter or edit Draft Actions via Batch Upload. EPA users may enter or edit Draft, Submitted, (a.k.a. "State Final Action") or Modify status Actions. After entering the information, save the file as a .CSV. To upload this file, go to the Actions tab and select "Upload Actions" from the Menu button. This file uses the ATTAINS Domains services.
- Non-TMDL Action Batch Upload Template (xlsm) - This Excel template can be used to upload Actions for 4B Restoration Approach, Alternative Restoration Approach, and Protection Approach Actions, as well as the Actions that do not require EPA approval. (The TMDL Batch Upload is separate because it contains different required fields.) After entering the information, save the file as a .CSV. To upload this file, go to the Actions tab, and select “Upload Actions” from the Menu button. This file uses the ATTAINS Domains services.
Priorities Batch Upload Template (xlsm)
– This Excel template can be used to upload Priorities for the CWA Section 303(d) Vision Bridge Metric. The Priorities should cover Assessment Unit ID / Parameter combinations that may be addressed by an Action for the two-year period between Oct. 1, 2024, and Sept. 30, 2026.
- Instructions for Entering Priorities in ATTAINS (pdf) – This document explains the Priorities Batch Upload Template, and the validation rules.
- Features of the Priorities Module (pdf) - This document explains some of the features available in the Priorities module for entering Vision Metric Priorities.
Assessment Unit Batch Upload Template (xlsm)
- This Excel template can be used to upload new Assessment Units or update information about existing Assessment Units through batch upload capability in the ATTAINS User Interface. The file allows users to provide information such as Assessment Unit ID and Assessment Unit Name as well as Water Types, Locations and Monitoring Stations associated with the Assessment Unit. After entering the information, save each tab of the file as a .CSV. To upload this file, go to the Assessment Units tab and select "Upload Assessment Units" from the Menu button. This file uses the ATTAINS Domains Service. Instructions for using the Assessment Unit (AU) Batch Upload can be found in the Tutorials and Training section lower on this page.
- Domain Values – Allowed values for restricted value fields in ATTAINS
- DOMAINS (xlsx) - This file is connected to the ATTAINS Domain Service. The latest version of the spreadsheet, from Feb. 25, 2025, includes a new Version History tab and a new column to show the date each domain value was last modified. This should make it easier to find the latest values. Domain values may have been added or modified after that date. To see the latest domain values, download and save a local copy of the spreadsheet. Then, go to the Data tab in the Excel Ribbon and click on "Refresh All". Note: In order to refresh the spreadsheet to the latest values, you must have Office 2016 or later.
- Transitioning from ADB to ATTAINS
- TN_ATTAINS_BATCH_from_ADB.zip (zip) – Tennessee developed some queries for the Assessment Database (ADB) that create Batch Upload queries to help populate ATTAINS.
Tutorials and Training
- General
- ATTAINSinfo Listserv – State, Tribal, and EPA partners can register for the ATTAINSinfo listserv to receive updates about the system. This document explains how to register for the listserv.
- EPA Integrated Reporting (IR) Categories and How ATTAINS Calculates Them - This explains the data elements in ATTAINS that are used to calculate the EPA Integrated Reporting Category for Assessments.
- How to See Your User Permissions - This explains how to view your role permissions for an organization.
- Roles and Permissions in ATTAINS - This explains the basic functionality available for the various Role Levels in ATTAINS.
- ATTAINS 101 Training Video - This video introduces some of the main concepts behind ATTAINS. It is geared towards data owners in the state, territory, Tribe, or EPA. This is a recorded webinar from May 2022.
- ATTAINS to HMW (pdf) If you spot an error in How’s My Waterway (HMW) from ATTAINS data, this document explains where to find it in ATTAINS.
- Assessments Units module
- How to Upload Geospatial (GIS) Data in ATTAINS - This explains how to use the Upload GIS form.
- How to Merge Assessment Units in ATTAINS - This explains how to merge a retired Assessment Unit with an Active Assessment Unit.
- Assessment Unit (AU) Batch Upload Instructions (pdf) - This explains how to use the Assessment Unit (AU) Batch Upload as of September 2021 ATTAINS Release.
- Assessments module
- How to Upload Cycle Documents and Promote a Cycle in ATTAINS - This explains how to attach documents to the Assessment Cycle before the Cycle is promoted to EPA review.
- How to Apply an Action to Assessments - This explains how to apply an Action to an Assessment. The example uses a TMDL Action, and applies it so that the Assessment Unit and Parameter combination calculates as EPA IR Category 4a. The steps for applying other types of Actions are the same, but the EPA IR Category result may be different.
- How to Calculate a Parameter as EPA IR Category 4B in ATTAINS - This explains how to create a 4B Restoration Approach Action (in the Actions tab) and associate it with an Assessment and Parameter (in the Assessments tab) to calculate them as EPA IR Category 4B.
- EPA IR Category 5A to 5R Transition Fact Sheet (pdf) - This discusses the transition from EPA IR Category 5A to 5R for the 2024 Integrated Reporting Cycle. It also discusses necessary steps for ATTAINS to update a calculation from EPA IR Category 5A to EPA IR Category 5R. This document also answers some common questions regarding the transition.
- How to Rename a Parameter (pdf) - This applies to cause parameter names that had been used in an earlier cycle that have since been retired.
- How to Share a Cycle with EPA - This explains how an Organization's Assessment Administrator can choose to share a Draft or Working Copy (In Progress) Assessment cycle with EPA.
- How to Create a Combined Cycle in ATTAINS - This explains how to create a new Assessment cycle in ATTAINS that applies to more than one cycle.
- Assessment Batch Upload Instructions (pdf) - This explains how to use Assessment Batch Upload as of September 2021 ATTAINS Release.
- Assessment Batch Upload: Tips to Avoid Common Errors (pdf) - This document lists some of the most common errors in Assessment Batch Upload and explains how to address the issues.
- Reports module
- Features Available in ATTAINS Cycle Summary Reports - This explains some of the features available in the ATTAINS Summary Reports (Assessments, Uses, Parameters, Nutrient-Related, Sources and Delistings) as of the July 2020 release.
- Features Available in the ATTAINS Cycle Comparison Reports - This explains some of the features available in the ATTAINS Cycle Comparison Reports (at either the Assessment level or the Parameter level) as of the July 2020 release.
- Features Available in the ATTAINS Action Summary Reports - This explains some of the features available in the ATTAINS Action Summary Reports (TMDL and Actions) as of the July 2020 release.
- Features Available in the EPA Reports - Assessment Cycle Status Report - This explains the selection options for the report that allows EPA to see the status of each Organization's Assessment Cycle.
- How to Use ATTAINS Reports to Answer Questions - This explains how to answer some common questions using ATTAINS reports. This document was developed for the May 2020 Data Management Workshop.
- Actions module
- How to Enter a TMDL Action - This explains how to create and enter a new TMDL Action in the ATTAINS User Interface.
- How to Enter a Protection Action - This explains how to create and enter an Action that is part of a Protection Approach in the ATTAINS User Interface.
- How to Unlock and Modify Actions - This explains how to unlock and modify previously finalized Actions in ATTAINS.
- How to Change the Count This Action Towards Measures Flag - This explains how to change the "Count This Action Toward Measures" flag to NO, when appropriate.
- TMDL Action Entires in ATTAINS (pdf) - This helps users better understand how to enter a TMDL in the Actions module of ATTAINS. It explains what each Actions data element in ATTAINS means and where to find the corresponding data in the TMDL document. It also explains which data appear in How's My Waterway.
- Surveys module
- How to Enter State Survey Results - This explains how to enter state statistical (probability) survey results in the ATTAINS User Interface.
- Administration module
- How to Enter State Metrics for How's My Waterway - This explains how to enter information for the metrics, URLs and the descriptive paragraph that appear on the top of the State tab of How’s My Waterway 2.0. Changes made in the Metrics area of ATTAINS will appear in the second release of How’s My Waterway 2.0.
- Training: If you are interested in training, contact your Data Management Coordinator to ask about upcoming training sessions.