Environmental Financial Advisory Board (EFAB) Meeting Materials - October 18-19, 2022
The purpose of the October 18-19 meeting was for the EFAB to provide workgroup updates and work products, consider possible future advisory topics, and receive updates on EPA activities. The meeting was conducted in a hybrid format of in-person and virtual via webcast.
Disclaimer: Posting of public comments is not an EPA endorsement of, or agreement with, any information or viewpoints presented in the public comment, nor is it an EPA endorsement of the quality or correctness of such information and viewpoints. In addition, mention of any trade names or commercial products in posted meeting material does not constitute a recommendation by EPA or EFAB for use.
- Federal Register Notice
- Meeting Agenda (pdf)
- Meeting Summary (pdf)
- Opportunity Zones Draft Letter (pdf)
- Pollution Prevention Finance Draft Letter and Report (pdf)
- EPA's Office of Water Proposed Charges - September 2022 (pdf)
- Public Comments Received for the EFAB October 2022 Meeting (pdf)
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (pdf)
- Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Inflation Reduction Act Language (pdf)
- EFAB Draft Charge - Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: Possible Charge Questions (pdf)
- EFAB Charge: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (pdf)
- Inflation Reduction Act Presentation (pdf)