Drinking Water and Wastewater Resilience
America’s Water Infrastructure Act
AWIA Section 2013 established risk and resilience assessment and emergency response plan requirements. AWIA Section 2018 set spill notification and access to chemical inventory data requirements.
Cybersecurity Resilience
Cyber-attacks against public water systems are increasing. Implementing basic cyber hygiene practices can help your utility prevent, detect, respond to, and recover from cyber incidents.
Emergency Preparedness and Response
EPA has a variety of tools and guidance to support utility preparedness and response. Our resources can help you become more resilient to emergencies.
Contamination Preparedness and Response
EPA has resources available to help drinking water utilities to prepare and respond during water contamination incidents.
Supply Chain Resilience
EPA has resources that can help water and wastewater utilities prepare for, and respond to, supply chain disruptions that could impact operations.
Weather Variability Resilience
EPA’s Creating Resilient Water Utilities (CRWU) initiative provides water sector utilities with practical tools and technical assistance to increase resilience to weather variability and its impacts.
Federal Funding Sources
Federal Funding for Water and Wastewater Utilities in National Disasters (Fed FUNDS) presents information tailored to water and wastewater utilities on federal disaster and mitigation funding.
Most critical infrastructure sectors have interdependencies with water and wastewater services, including the Chemical Sector, Emergency Services Sector, Energy Sector, Healthcare Sector, and more.
Preparedness Exercises
Preparedness exercises are critical to the emergency response process. EPA offers tools to improve utility plans, policies, and procedures.