Web Standard: Cards
All EPA public and internal content pages and web applications are required to follow this standard.
Cards contain content and actions about a single subject.
A card is often a subset or summary of a larger idea. A card acts as an entry point to more detailed information on a topic and may contain a variety of content types, such as text, images, or buttons. An individual card is typically part of a collection of related content, like articles or sections of a website, not a single card in isolation. Cards are modular. Cards can be moved around in a collection without destroying any individual card’s meaning.
A "Card group" creates a row of cards.
Content Requirements
- Each card group (row) must contain either two cards (flag layout) or three cards (default layout).
- No more than two card groups (row) should be used on a single webpage.
- Each card must contain a heading (four to six words), a short introductory sentence or two (no more than 25 words) and a call to action (linked button of four to six words).
- The call-to-action button should link to more detailed information about the card topic. The call-to-action button text should start with an action verb. Use clear and descriptive link text as per the Link Text web standard.
- Don't repeat images or content common to all or most cards in a collection. Repeated information (like using the same image for each card in a collection) makes it more difficult to distinguish cards from one another.
- Use the card component for cards, not for any type of content that's designed to have a border around it. Follow the guidance outlined in the Creating Cards How To.
- Follow the Link Text, Graphics and Images, and Writing for the Web standards.
See: Creating Cards How To in the WebCMS.
See: Adding a Card component to a Landing page in the Intranet CMS.
About this Standard
Original effective date: 05/11/22
Last approved on: 09/11/2024
Web Council review by: 09/11/2027 (or earlier if deemed necessary)