Atlanta North Fork Peachtree Creek Tank and Pump Station

Project Description
The North Fork Peachtree Creek Tank and Pump Station Project will construct an off-line temporary 15-million-gallon storage tank for peak wet weather sewage flow. During significant wet weather events, peak flow will be diverted from the North Fork trunk sewer to the off-line storage tank. The stored flow will be returned to the trunk sewer immediately following the wet weather event. The purpose of this project is to significantly reduce the number and volume of sewer overflows along the entire length of the Peachtree Creek trunk sewer system, including eliminating sewer overflows during a 10-year, 4-hour storm and smaller back-to-back storms. This is the first loan under a master agreement that will commit $216.8 million in WIFIA assistance to the city of Atlanta to address sewer overflow abatement and water system distribution resiliency issues in the City over the next five years.
Project Benefits
- Protects downstream communities and Apalachicola Bay by allowing Atlanta to help eliminate sewer overflow events.
- Saves city of Atlanta an estimated $25.2 million from financing with a WIFIA loan compared to typical market financing.