Bucklin Point Resiliency Improvements

Project Description
The Bucklin Point Resiliency Improvements Project will upgrade the Bucklin Point Wastewater Treatment Facility and the associated combined sewer system. The combined sewer overflow project will divert overflows from existing outfalls to the treatment facility for advanced treatment. To ensure that it can handle the increased wastewater flow, the treatment facility will undergo upgrades, including a new operations and maintenance building, UV disinfection improvements, and a new standby power generator.
Project Benefits
- Protects water quality by reducing the amount of combined sewer overflow discharged into Narragansett Bay.
- Will help achieve an 80 percent reduction in shellfish bed closures.
- Contributes to compliance with the Combined Sewer Overflow Consent Agreement with the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management.
- Saves the Narragansett Bay Commission an estimated $43 million from financing with a WIFIA loan.