Chino Recycling Plant No. 5 Expansion Project

Project Description
The Regional Water Recycling Plant No. 5 (RP-5) Expansion Project will expand the plant’s liquids treatment capacity and construct a new solids handling facility. The liquids treatment capacity of RP-5 will be increased from 15 MGD to 22.5 MGD to support service area growth. The solids handling facility replaces the existing solids handling facility at Regional Water Recycling Plant #2 that will be within the Prado floodplain once the Prado Dam spillway height is increased, and increases the solids treatment capacity of IEUA to support expected growth in the service area. The plant will meet all regulatory requirements, utilize energy efficient equipment, and continue to provide recycled water to the service area.
Project Benefits
- Helps the borrower meet all Clean Water Act and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System requirements.
- Improves effluent quality ten-fold by converting to a membrane bio-reactor system.
- Meets EPA’s biosolids requirements and produces Class B biosolids which will be treated further off-site to meet Class A standards.
- Saves Inland Empire Utilities Agency ratepayers an estimated $153 million by financing the project with a WIFIA loan compared to a bond issuance.
- Adds 7.5 million gallons per day to the local water supply in an area where water is in short supply.