Memphis T.E. Maxson Wastewater Treatment Facility Process and Biosolids Upgrades Program

Project Description
The T.E. Maxson Wastewater Treatment Facility Process and Biosolids Upgrades Program is to upgrade the existing facility to comply with new National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements for effluent disinfection and overall reduction in treated total suspended solids and biological oxygen demand in the effluent. The infrastructure improvement program includes several projects to upgrade the wastewater treatment plant, including renovations to lagoons and replacement of other existing infrastructure. In addition to supporting NPDES permit compliance, the projects will significantly improve effluent water quality and loading to the Mississippi River, provide reliable, efficient biosolids treatment and processing capacity, improve process efficiency and operability, and overall plant odor control at the treatment facility.
Project Benefits
- Supports compliance with the city of Memphis’s NPDES permit requirements.
- Expands biological treatment capacity and improves processing of biosolids to support population growth and continued economic development.
- Improves overall plant odor control.
- Saves the city of Memphis an estimated $57 million over the life of the loan, from financing with a WIFIA loan compared to typical market financing.