Miami-Dade County South District Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion

Number of Jobs Created: 173 jobs
Project Description
Miami-Dade Water and Sewer District’s South District Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion will increase the permitted treatment capacity from 112.5 million gallons per day to 131 million gallons per day annual average daily flow and increase the peak hourly flow capacity of the facility. The department will also construct new municipal injection wells at the North and Central District Wastewater Treatment Plants, which will help fulfill requirements of the state of Florida’s Ocean Outfall Legislation. The wastewater conveyance system to the three wastewater plants is interconnected, so flow can be directed between wastewater treatment plants to allow for operational flexibility. By increasing capacity at the South District Wastewater Treatment Plant, service for the whole regional system improves.
Project Benefits
- Enables Miami-Dade County to complete its Ocean Outfall Legislation Projects, eliminating the regular use of ocean outfalls and protecting the near-shore aquatic ecosystem off the coast of Florida.
- Diverts ocean outfall discharges which will reduce nutrient pollution and improve water quality on the Florida coast and the surrounding coastal ecosystem.
- Saves Miami-Dade County an estimated $80.2 million from financing with a WIFIA loan compared to a bond issuance.