Waukesha Great Lakes Water Supply Project

Project Description
The Great Lakes Water Supply Project will provide the City of Waukesha with a new, safer source for drinking water. The City will transition its drinking water source from depleting, radium contaminated groundwater to Lake Michigan water. The project includes the construction of infrastructure to obtain, store, and distribute drinking water from Milwaukee Water Works to City of Waukesha customers. It also includes the pumps and pipes needed to return treated wastewater to the Lake Michigan via the Root River.
Project Benefits
- Enables the City of Waukesha to fully comply with state drinking water standards for radionuclide by September 1, 2023.
- Provides access for system users to a new potable water source through a water connection to the City of Milwaukee’s municipal treatment works.
- Saves the City of Waukesha an estimated $35.9 million from financing with a WIFIA loan compared to a bond issuance.