Scoping and Inception Template
Each Megacities Partnership is inherently unique to the city - the local policy, scientific, and cultural context, the data available, and goals vary in each Megacity and drive the direction of the Partnership. Nonetheless, there are some basic frameworks (templates) for certain steps in the process (e.g., information collection, needs assessment, and capacity building) that are relevant to all Megacities and inform the progression of the project. The templates provide meaningful structure to the project, while still maintaining flexibility to meet each Megacity's needs.
This guide includes a variety of questions for local actors, spanning all sectors involved in air quality management. These questions can be used to start a discussion with a city host agency and other potential Megacity Partners about their current capacity, investment, and interest in collaborating under the Partnership. The objective of the Scoping and Inception phases of a partnership is to introduce a Megacity Partner organization to the local political context, gain insight on the will of the city government, including the city host agency, to commit resources towards air quality management, and understand if the timing is right to commence the Partnership. Additional questions may be necessary, depending on the city context and objectives of the Megacity Partner organization.
The Inception phase can be combined with the scoping phase and together these phases may involve one or more visits to a host megacity under the Partnership once the Partnership is solidified. A workshop is usually held shortly after or as part of the Inception phase. It gathers relevant stakeholders and main local actors carrying out the Partnership together with in-country staff. The workshop’s objectives could include introducing the Partnership, initiating relationships with local partners, and presenting the fundamentals of air quality management, analysis, and communication. Topics for any capacity building workshop are suggested in the Capacity Building Template. As part of an inception phase, an advisory committee can be established (see the Air Quality Management Project and Advisory Committee Structure Template).
The Scoping and Inception Template is available below in English, Spanish, Russian and French.