Sampling and Monitoring
Comprehensive sampling and monitoring actions are ongoing at the site.
Comprehensive sampling and monitoring actions are ongoing at the site. This includes surface water and ground water quality sampling, field surveys, remote sensing, and climate monitoring. Sampling and monitoring are generally established per operable unit. Specific sampling and monitoring plans and reports can be found in the Records Collection.
Additionally, institutional controls (ICs) are in place to help protect human health and the environment in the community of Butte. These institutional controls include controlled groundwater areas, excavation ordinances, stormwater management protocols, and other ICs.
There are three Controlled Groundwater Areas in Butte – Rocker Controlled Groundwater Area (1997), Clark Tailings / Old Landfill Controlled Groundwater Area (1999), and Butte Alluvial / Bedrock Controlled Groundwater Area (2009).
The Excavation Control District and associated Excavation and Dirt-Moving Ordinance exist in Butte to assist with the proper identification and handling of soils potentially contaminated by lead, arsenic, or other mining wastes. This ordinance applies to residential, commercial, recreational, and industrial projects in Butte.
Butte – Silver Bow City-County Government is the designated entity to enforce these controls. Additional information can be found in the Butte – Silver Bow County Code of Ordinances.