What You Can Do About Climate Change — Transportation
Make a difference by reducing the environmental impact of fuel emissions.
- Continue to use greener transportation. Biking, walking, carpooling, and public transportation can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Check to see if your employer offers commuter benefits for public transportation or carpooling. Businesses can also use the Smart Location Calculator to consider workplace locations that reduce employees’ commuting time.
- Drive smart. Improve your fuel economy by going easy on the brakes and gas, using cruise control, and keeping your car well-maintained.
- Choose an energy-efficient vehicle by looking for models with higher miles per gallon. You can find information on the cleanest, most fuel-efficient vehicles in EPA’s Green Vehicle Guide.
- Switch to an electric vehicle if you can. Plug-in electric vehicles typically produce less greenhouse gas emissions than an average new gasoline-powered car. Use the Beyond Tailpipe Emissions Calculator to see the emissions savings from driving an electric vehicle in your region.
- Choose an energy-saving electric vehicle charger. Check out EPA's ENERGY STAR electric vehicle page to learn about ENERGY STAR electric vehicle chargers and incentives for electric and plug-in vehicles.
- Make fewer trips. Activities such as grouping errands to make fewer trips and teleworking, if available, can reduce both fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions.