Lesson 2: Quick Tour of the Final Rule

This lesson provides an introduction to how the rule is structured, the subparts of the rule, and what each subpart contains.
Explore the contents of the section.
Subpart A: General Provisions
Subpart A answers the following questions:
To Whom Does This Part Apply?
This section provides a description of the persons and entities impacted by the rule. -
How Does This Part Provide for Electronic Reporting?
Subpart A describes how the rule makes provision for electronic reporting. -
What Definitions are Applicable to this Part?
Many terms used throughout the rule have very specific meaning in regard to the rule and are therefore defined in Section 3.3 of the CROMERR Rule.
See: CROMERR Federal Register Notices -
How Does this Part Affect the Enforcement and Compliance Provisions of Title 40 The 40th section of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), which deals with EPA's mission to protect human health and the environment. The CFR is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government.?
This section describes how the rule relates to compliance with Title 40 and the enforcement provisions therein.
Subpart B: Electronic Reporting to EPA
Subpart B answers the following questions:
What are the requirements for electronic reporting to EPA?
Subpart B describes when e-reporting can be used and under what circumstances. -
How will EPA provide notice of changes to the Central Data Exchange (CDX As defined in § 3.3 of CROMERR, EPA's centralized electronic document receiving system, or its successors, including associated instructions for submitting electronic documents.)?
Subpart B also describes how and when EPA will provide notification of changes to hardware and software associated with the CDX that may impact electronic transmission.
Subpart C
Subpart C has been intentionally left blank for now. It is reserved for electronic record keeping provisions, which have not yet been finalized.
Subpart D: Electronic Reporting Under EPA-Authorized State, Tribal, and Local Programs
Subpart D contains the bulk of the CROMERR requirements and answers the following questions:
How do states (for the purposes of CROMERR) Includes the District of Columbia and the United States Territories, as specified in the applicable statutes., tribes, or local governments revise or modify an authorized program As defined in § 3.3 of CROMERR, a federal program that EPA has delegated, authorized, or approved a state, tribe, or local government to administer, or a program that EPA has delegated, authorized, or approved a state, tribe or local government to administer in lieu of a federal program, under other provisions of Title 40 and such delegation, authorization, or approval has not been withdrawn or expired. to allow electronic reporting?
Subpart D describes what is necessary in order to conduct e-reporting, including the processes for application and EPA approval. -
What are the requirements that authorized states, tribes, and local programs electronic report receiving systems must meet?
The subpart provides a detailed listing of the requirements that must be met in order to have a CROMERR-compliant system.