E-Enterprise Project Portfolio
E-Enterprise projects demonstrate real success in how EPA, states and tribes can work together to improve processes and leverage technological solutions, where possible. Many E-Enterprise projects start by applying continuous process improvement (such as Lean) to streamline a system or program and consider if a return on investment analysis supports it. A common next step is to apply modern information or advanced monitoring technologies and approaches, where applicable, to achieve even greater efficiencies in terms of time, cost, and environmental results.
This list of active projects and available resources or products can be found here.
Project Teams and Workgroups
Project teams and workgroups are often comprised of EPA staff and designated state and tribal agency staff members, all of whom bring specific experience or expertise to the topic. Teams and workgroups meet and report to the EELC, Management Board, and IOT at regularly scheduled meetings. States and tribes are asked to designate their employees who participate on E-Enterprise project teams and workgroups.