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Are pipelines, barges, and vessels subject to release notification?
Do the Section 304 release notification requirements apply to pipelines, barges, and other vessels as well as to other transportation facilities? Title III (Section 327) does not apply to the transportation of any substance or chemical including transportation by pipeline, except as provided in Section 304. Section 304 requires notification…
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Under EPCRA, who is responsible for reporting releases and when must the report be made?
Under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), who is responsible for reporting releases and when must the report be made? Under section 304 of EPCRA, the owner or operator of a facility is required to report immediately to the appropriate State Emergency Response Commissions (SERCs) and Local Emergency…
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Does the "federally permitted release" exemption apply fully to state permitted releases?
No. State permitted releases are exempted only to the extent that the releases are considered "federally permitted" under Section 101(10) of CERCLA.
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Exceeding "continuous release" amounts
Are releases above the amount qualifying as a "continuous releases" exempt from Section 304 notification requirements? Because "statistically significant increases" from a "continuous release" must be reported as an episodic release under CERCLA Section 103(a), such releases must also be reported under Section 304 of Title III. Any clarifications or…
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Who must report in cases of transportation-related releases?
In the case of transportation-related releases, should the emergency release notification requirements apply to the owner or the operator of the facility? Either the owner or operator may give notice after a release. Owners and operators may make private arrangements concerning which party is to provide release notification. However, under…
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Waste streams and the mixture rule
Where there are several waste streams with the same identification number, is it sufficient to know the average quantities, or the maximum observed quantity, of hazardous constituents of the waste streams in order to apply the mixture rule to all of them? No. The mixture rule provision applies only to…
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Responsibility of transportation owners or operators in the event of a release
What is the responsibility of transportation owners or operators in the event of a spill or release of extremely hazardous substances or CERCLA hazardous substances? Although owners or operators of facilities in transportation or those that store substances under active shipping papers are not required to notify state and local…
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How Do I get Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2e) Results for Nonroad Equipment?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . CO2e is simply the combination of the pollutants that contribute to climate change adjusted using their global warming potential. This can be done manually summing the mass of the pollutants multiplied by their global warming potential factors. These are the…
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How Do I Get Emission Factors or Inventory Totals for Nonroad Equipment Aggregated by the Various Categories used by MOVES?
See More Frequent Questions about MOVES and Related Models . We have included a set of post-processing scripts that take the results of a Nonroad run and generate other output options. These scripts are all available in the MOVES graphical user interface in the Post Processing pull-down menu under “Run…
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Clean Water Act (CWA) and CERCLA Hazardous Substance Lists
What is the relationship between the hazardous substance lists under the Clean Water Act (CWA) and under CERCLA? All CWA hazardous substances and CWA toxic pollutants are CERCLA hazardous substances, whereas only some CERCLA hazardous substances are CWA hazardous substances. CERCLA section 101(14) defines “hazardous substance” by reference to lists…
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Using TRI Form R for Continuous Release Reporting
A facility wants to use the reduced reporting option under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) section 103(f)(2) for releases of hazardous substances that occur in a manner that is continuous and are stable in quantity and rate. Can the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Form R be…
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Release notification requirements for an EHS generated as by-product
Pursuant to Section 304(a)(2), the owner or operator of a facility must report to the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) and the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) any releases of extremely hazardous substances (EHSs) or CERCLA hazardous substances which equal or exceed established reportable quantities (RQs). This requirement only applies…
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Spills onto concrete floors inside a building
A facility has a spill of an extremely hazardous substance in an amount greater than its reportable quantity. The spill occurs on a concrete floor that is inside a facility building. Before the spill can be cleaned up, a portion (less than RQ) of the EHS enters the outside atmosphere…
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Reportable quantity calculations for chemicals in abandoned containers
Must any amount of a listed chemical contained within abandoned or discarded barrels, containers, or other receptacles be considered to determine if a specific reportable quantity has been exceeded under EPCRA Section 304 notification requirements? 40 CFR §355.61 (April 22, 1987, 52 FR 13395 ) defines a release as "any…
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Releases from animal waste to non-air environmental media
On June 13, 2019, EPA published a Final Rule adding an exemption to the release reporting requirements of EPCRA Section 304 ( 40 CFR Part 355 ) for substances from animal waste being emitted into the air ( 84 FR 27533 ). Does this exemption also apply to substances from…
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