Purchase Green Power
These web pages provide information and issues to consider when purchasing green power.
- Delivered Electricity
- These pages outline defines what is the standard default delivered electricity, provides information on its importance in in your green power decision making process, and some consideration when making claims based on this default mix.
- Green Power Purchasing Steps
- As you consider whether a green power purchase will help fulfill your organization's goals, this page identifies some of the major steps involved in buying green power.
- Green Power Supply Options
- These pages outline of the major green power supply options currently available to consumers in today's market. For each supply option, we outline its unique characteristics, and factors to consider when determining the option that works best.
- Voluntary Supply Benefits
- This page outlines some of the organizational and environmental benefits from using green power.
- What is Green Power
- This web page provides information what is green power and how it is subset of renewable energy and how they differ from conventional power.
- Guide to Purchasing Green Power
- This resource provides information about the green power procurement process, different green power supply options, benefits of green power purchasing, as well as information on how to capture the greatest benefit from your purchase.
- Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)
- These pages define what is a REC, how they work, their legal basis, and how they differ for other market instruments.
- Green Power Pricing
- These web pages providing an overview of how and why there is such variability IN REC pricing in today’s green power market.
- Green Power Procurement Considerations
- Green power products come in a range of supply options, each with their own unique set of characteristics. These web pages outline the many issues to consider when selecting the green power options that best suits your needs.