Report about Alternative Technologies to Open Burning and Open Detonation of Hazardous Waste Explosives
This report, "Alternative Technologies to Open Burning and Open Detonation of Energetic Hazardous Wastes," identified alternative treatment technologies that potentially could be used in place of open burning and open detonation of explosive hazardous wastes. Explosive hazardous wastes refer to a range of explosive items such as munitions, fireworks, signal flares, automobile airbag propellants and hobby rocket propellants. The report described the alternative technologies that had been developed at that time, their status, the types of explosive hazardous waste they could treat and locations where they had been used. EPA notes that this report is a review of technologies at the time of publication, and technologies in the report may have matured since 2019. EPA used this report as supporting information to develop its 2024 proposed rulemaking.
For the most current information on alternative technologies, please refer to the “Compendium of Potential Alternative Technologies to Open Burning and Open Detonation of Hazardous Waste Explosives.” EPA maintains the Compendium as an information resource for permit agencies, facility owners and operators, and others when identifying and evaluating potential alternative treatment options for hazardous waste explosives.